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Grand Theft Minecart

Grand Theft Minecart! GTA in minecraft! GUNS + HOUSES + CARS + POLICE + MORE!

Hey Everyone!
Another month has passed.
and once again the vote war
has ended.
And now I think
it's time that I announce
the winners for the last Month.
The August vote war!
So let's cut to the chase!
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The Winners of the August Vote War are listed below!
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1st: LegitLucky and Goldblock500 (157) - $65 giftcard and 250 crowbars each

2nd: Connectie (150) - $45 giftcard and 150 crowbars

3rd: Zilandia (148) - $30 giftcard and 100 crowbars

4th: bunnymeow5243 (147) - $20 giftcard and 75 crowbars

5th: Angelofexecution, cats_are_poggers and Rippi1 (145) - $10 giftcard and 50 crowbars each

Congratulations everyone!

Note: Your Giftcards will be mailed to you on GTM1 (MineSantos) You can type /mail read to access them!
Note: Your crowbars will be given to you on GTM1 (MineSantos) You can type /crowbars to see them!

Rank Perks was first released on GTM2, we identified some ways to make it better, and now we are bring it here!

The current ranking system is ok, but we felt it can get a bit boring, and not feel as rewarding. Instead of ranking up and unlocking everything on a "one-time" basis, its more of a gradual process. In order to rank up you need to unlocked 70% of all perks for that rank, perks are things like Backpack Slots, Weapons, Vehicles etc....

Each rank has new content you can unlock, you can prioritize what you like, and leave maybe a perk or 2 behind that you feel you don't need! The process will overall be faster and easier!


Ranking up now also gives you Gold occasionally for a total of 25! If you played before this update, you will receive all the perks at your current rank plus all the rewards you missed along the way. That means if your a Godfather you can receive a FREE 25 GOLD and 3 FREE BACKPACK CHEATCODES! Don't worry though, just because you weren't a Godfather, you will still get all the rewards you missed along the way!

Why give past ranks backpack slots? Newer players will be able to gain a total of 3 bp slots through paying and ranking up. Its only fair that people who ranked up in the past also get those rewards.


* Stickies will auto explode after 1 minutes and 30 seconds of them being placed
* Stickies received a 30% damage nerf
* Mollies will make you "burn" less and be easier to escape
* Mollies received an overall damage reduction
* (QOL) /near no longer counts players in houses
* (BUG) Added Warp Time Cheat Code since...

GTM2 is on its way August 10th! We decided to delay the release to the 10th instead of the original 7th in order to get things done pertaining to the GTM San Fierro map, as well as some gameplay features! Because of this the map will look even better on release, as well as a new donor perk!

Gone are the days of struggling to find which house you need to teleport to, with a reworked house menu much better then before you now have the ability as a (SPONSOR+) to customize your Icon and Name! This perk will first find its self on GTM2 San Fierro, but soon follow on GTM1 Mine Santos!

Below is an example of the menu used to customize your house icon!
This icon would show up when you open the menu looking for a house!



Build Team has been very hard at work to bring a brand new feeling to GTM with a new map!


Hey Everyone!
Another month has passed.
and once again the vote war
has ended.
And now I think
it's time that I announce
the winners for the last Month.
The July vote war!
So let's cut to the chase!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Winners of the July Vote War are listed below!
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1st: Zilandia and FreeYoungThug (156) - $70 giftcard and 250 crowbars each

2nd: Lizalein (154) - $50 giftcard and 150 crowbars

3rd: 2Walker16 (148) - $30 giftcard and 100 crowbars

4th: ZockiHD19, bunnymeow5243 and Uhrcrafter (146) - $10 giftcard and 75 crowbars each

Congratulations everyone!

Note: Your Giftcards will be mailed to you on GTM1 (MineSantos) You can type /mail read to access them!
Note: Your crowbars will be given to you on GTM1 (MineSantos) You can type /crowbars to see them!

GTM2 Beta (GTM9) will end on August 4th, but until then we have decided to make it a version of "Kit PvP". Every 2 minutes you are able to claim a kit, (ignore the 3 minutes below, it was changed to 2). We have done this to allow players to play around with the new vehicles, and air pvp changes!

We have also made it so everyone can use an weapon, armor, vehicle, jetpack wing etc for the duration of the beta.

House doors now open, meaning you can pvp with people inside. You are able to open these doors if you are in combat, but the door will stay open for 5 seconds instead of 2 if you weren't in combat! Only players added or owning the house can open these doors, but anyone can walk in! You must both be inside the house to damage each other. People outside the house can't just rpg spam you if your inside! (This feature will be present on GTM2).


Lastly you will also get 5 gold for each kill (BETA ONLY), so players are able to buy houses!

We have also added a brand new preference to allow you to toggle your sniper scope.

With preference on: upload_2023-7-22_16-40-52.png

With off: (Still zoomed in)

The follow bugs were fixed:

* Fixed a bug where supply drops would stack and bug
* Fixed a bug with Cheat Code textures
* Fixed a bug with vehicle hijacking
* Fixed a bug with vehicle damage
* Fixed a bug with the sniper scope not appearing
* Fixed the sell inventory button partially
* Fixed a bug with Cheat Code claiming
* Fixed a bug where you could lead a gang, but not actually be in a gang

Known Bugs: All bugs marked with % will be fixed ASAP
* The sell all button in the trashcan won't account for your Hot Bar %
* Some houses on the map are removed, as they contain elevators (GTM2 Beta only bug)
* Weird prices in the Item Shops (GTM2 Beta only bug)
* Slight...​