Weapons are the tools used in PvP combat and are guns, explosives, melee weapons, and more.
Sticky Bomb: The Sticky Bomb costs $2,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. You can throw the sticky bomb by right-clicking and you detonate it by crouching. The sticky bomb sells for $500 in the trash can.
Molotov Cocktail: The Molotov Cocktail costs $1,200 in the weapon shop at spawn. You can throw the Molotov by right-clicking, the Molotov Cocktail creates a radius of fire that burns any player in it. The Molotov Cocktail burns for approximately 8 seconds long. The Molotov Cocktail sells for $300 in the trash can.
Proximity Mine: The Proximity Mine costs $2,500 in the weapon shop at spawn. The Proximity Mine is an explosive that is triggered when a player steps near it. It is also placed by right-clicking it. The explosion is powerful enough to launch a player in the air. The Proximity Mine sells for $625 in the trash can.
Grenade: The Grenade costs $1,600 in the weapon shop at spawn. The Grenade gives out a sizable explosion but not as large as the proximity mine. The Grenade sells for $400 in the trash can.
Tear Gas: The Tear Gas costs $1,200 in the weapon shop at spawn. The Tear Gas creates a radius that gives players Blindness, Weakness, Mining Fatigue, Nausea, and Slowness while they are in the radius of the tear gas. The Tear Gas sells for $300 in the trash can.
Rake: Rake: The Rake costs $300 in the weapon shop at spawn. The damage it deals is not a lot but this is one of the popular melee weapons as it's very cheap and easy to achieve in-game. The Rake sells for $165.
Knife: The Knife costs $2,500 in the weapon shop at spawn. It does a respectable amount of damage and is sometimes used in ground PvP and Jetpacking (It's the highest damage melee you can buy in the weaponshop). The Knife sells for $1,375 in the trash can.
Chainsaw: The Chainsaw costs $7,500 in the weapon shop at spawn. This weapon is used a lot by wingsuiters because when you right-click with this weapon, it does an aura of damage. It also makes an audible growling sound when you right-click with it. The Chainsaw sells for $4,125 in the trash can and is used quite often during PvP both Air and Normal.
Night Stick: The Night Stick costs $800 in the weapon shop at spawn. It does not do quite a lot of damage and it is not very popular in PvP. The Night Stick sells for $440 in the trash can.
Baseball Bat: The Baseball Bat costs $1,500 in the weapon shop at spawn. This is not a popular melee weapon as it does the same amount of damage as the Night Stick. The Baseball Bat sells for $825 in the trash can.
Katana: The Katana can not be bought in the weapon shop. You can win Katanas from the crates at spawn which you can read more about here. You can also get Katanas by buying them from other players or getting them out of lootcrates around the map. If you previously purchased the Katana cheatcode when it was up on the GTM store, you can get the katana every 3 days (This cheatcode is no longer available to purchase and got removed, people who bought it can get a 50% refund by making a support ticket). You can read more about cheatcodes here.
The Katana is one of the most used melee weapons in the game and is used primarily during air PvP in combination with jet-packs, or wingsuits. There is no set price for the Katana so it depends on who is buying or selling the Katana. Sellable in the trashcans for $100,000.
Chanclas: The Chanclas can not be bought in the weapon shop. You can purchase it from other players. You were able to purchase the FUCKME Cheatcode on the GTM store which gives you a Chanclas every 3 days. The Chanclas is popular in jetpacking as it is worth much less than the Katana and still does a substantial amount of damage. There is no set price on the Chanclas so it depends on who is buying or selling the Chanclas. On GTM-1 Chanclas usually go for around $50,000 - $60,000. The Chanclas can now be sold in trashcans for $35,000.
Machete: The Machete can not be purchased in the weapon shop. You can buy one from other players or get one from a 3 star crate. Other ways to obtain the Machete is trough easter or halloween shop and from daily missions. Currently, not many players are using Machetes in a Jetpack because the value of it is high. and sells to the trashcan for $200,000.
Marksman Pistol: The Marksman Pistol costs $3,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. It does more damage than other pistols but it only holds 1 bullet before you have to reload. The Marksman Pistol sells for $1,800 in the trash can at spawn.
Combat Pistol: The Combat Pistol costs $3,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. It has a very short range and a medium fire rate. It can hold a maximum of 12 bullets and sells for $1,080 in the trash can at spawn.
Taser: The Taser costs $5,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. When the taser hits a player, the player gets Blindness and Slowness. The Taser comes with the Cop Kit. You can read more about the Cop Job here. The Taser also temporarily disables Jetpacks so it is widely used during air PvP. The Taser holds 1 charge before reloading and has infinite ammo. The sells for $3,000 in the trash can at spawn.
Pistol: The Pistol costs $2,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. It has a very short range and a medium fire rate. It does high damage for a pistol and is a weapon to not be underestimated. It can hold a maximum of 18 pistols and sells for $420 in the trash can at spawn.
Heavy Pistol: The Heavy Peashooter costs $2,400 in the weapon shop at spawn. It has a very short range and a medium fire rate. It does not do a lot of damage. This weapon can be found in the Hobo kit. It can hold a maximum of 12 bullets and sells for $1,440 in the trash can at spawn.
The Heavy Revolver: The Heavy Revolver costs $17,500 in the weapon shop at spawn. It has a very high range and a low fire rate. It does basic damage +/-. This weapon can be found in loot chests. It can hold a maximum of 6 bullets and can be sold in the trash can at spawn for $8,500.
Machine Pistol: This weapon can not be purchased in the normal weapon shop. Currently, the only way to obtain it is from the easter shop, halloween shop, from daily missions and the 3 star crate . The reach is pretty short but the Fire Rate is high. It deal's not that much damage. It can hold a maximum of 15 bullets and sell to the trashcan for $150,000.
MG: The MG costs $6,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. The MG can hold 55 bullets before reloading. It is the same as the Tactical MG but with decreased Damage, Ammo Capacity, and Accuracy. The MG sells for $2,700 in the trash can.
Tactical MG: The Combat MG costs $9,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. The Combat MG can hold 75 bullets before reloading. Because of the large amount of ammo this weapon can hold, it can be potentially deadly. While other players are reloading, this weapon would still have ammo. It is the "upgraded" version of the MG. The Combat MG sells for $4,050 in the trash can.
SMG: The SMG costs $5,200 in the weapon shop at spawn. It does low damage, however, it has a high fire rate and can hold a maximum of 30 bullets. Like the rest of the SMGs, it can be used in Vehicles. The Sweeper sells for $1,820 in the trash can at spawn.
Tactical SMg: The Tactical SMG costs $8,200 in the shop at spawn. It does low damage, however, it has a high fire rate and can hold a maximum of 30 bullets. Like the rest of the SMGs, it can be used in Vehicles. The Tactical SMG sells for $2,870 in the trash can at spawn.
Micro SMG: The Mini Sweeper costs $4,500 in the shop at spawn. It does low damage, however, it has a high fire rate. The Mini Sweeper is a common gun used while Jet-Packing and can hold a maximum of 16 bullets. Like the rest of the SMGs, it can be used in Vehicles. The Mini Sweeper sells for $1,575 in the trash can at spawn.
Assault SMG: The Assault SMG costs $6,500 in the shop at spawn. It does low damage, however, it has a high fire rate and can hold a maximum of 30 bullets. Like the rest of the SMGs, it can be used in Vehicles. The Action Sweeper sells for $2,275 in the trash can at spawn.
Gusenberg Sweeper: The Gusenberg Sweeper costs $9,500 in the shop at spawn. It does medium damage overall, however, this weapon is one to be feared. This is typically the most common weapon used with Vehicles as it has a high fire-rate and can hold 50 bullets. The Gusenberg Sweeper can be sold for $3,325 in the trash can at spawn.
Musket: The Musketl costs $8,750 in the weapon shop at spawn. It has a very long-range and even does a little more damage than the Heavy Sniper. However, the musket does not have a built-in scope like the Heavy Sniper does and can only hold 1 bullet before reloading. This weapon is very deadly if you can hit your shots. The Musket sells for $4,375 in the trash can.
Sawed-off Shotgun: The Sawed-off Shotgun costs $1,500 in the weapon shop at spawn. Because it is a shotgun, the range is not far. The Shorty can only hold 2 bullets before reloading but the damage at close range is pretty large. The farther the player is, the less damage the weapon deals. The shorty sells for $750 in the trash can.
Pump Shotgun: The Pump Shotgun costs $4,500 in the weapon shop at spawn. It can hold 8 bullets before reloading and decreases in damage over distance. The Pump Shotgun sells for $2,250 in the trash can at spawn.
Heavy Shotgun: The Heavy Shotgun costs $26,500 in the weapon shop at spawn. It can hold 6 bullets before reloading and does a substantial amount of damage to players. The damage decreases with range. The Heavy Shotgun sells for $13,250 in the trash can at spawn.
Tactical Shotgun: The Tactical Shotgun costs $13,250 in the weapon shop at spawn. The Tactical Pumper holds 8 bullets before reloading. The fire rate is faster as you can hold down right-click to continuously fire. The Tactical Pumper does quite a bit of damage up close. Damage decrease over the range. The Tactical Pumper sells for $6,625 in the trash can at spawn.
Special Carbine: The Special Carbine costs $12,500 in the weapon shop at spawn. It does medium damage with a high fire rate and medium range. It is a popular weapon that is commonly used on the ground. Also, it is very popular with wingsuits as it is typically one of the best guns a wingsuiter can use. It can hold a maximum of 30 bullets . The Special Assaulter sells for $5,000 in the trash can at spawn.
Carbine Rifle: The Carbine Rifle costs $7,700 in the weapon shop at spawn. It has medium damage with a high fire rate and long-range. Although anyone can use it, this is not a weapon to mess with. The carbine Rifle can hold a maximum of 35 bullets. The Carbine Rifle sells for $2,600 in the trash can at spawn.
Tactical Assaulter: The Tactical Assaulter costs $5,250 in the airsoft-weapon shop at spawn. It has lower damage output with a higher fire rate but with a lower range. It is a standard weapon and works best at closer ranges. The Tactical Assaulter sells for $2,100 in the trash can at spawn.
Advanced Rifle: The Advanced Riffle costs $10,800 in the weapon shop at spawn. It does medium damage with a high fire rate and long-range. It is a popular weapon that is commonly used on the ground. Also, it is very popular with wingsuits as it is typically one of the best guns a wingsuiter can use. It can hold a maximum of 35 bullets. The Advanced Rifle sells for $4,320 in the trash can at spawn.
Bullpup Rifle: The Bullpup Rifle costs $7,700 in the weapon shop at spawn. It has lower damage and accuracy than other Assault weapons. The Bullseye Assaulter sells for $3,080 in the trash can at spawn.
M4: The M4 Costs $54,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. It has high range, and medium damage. The m4 sells for $18,00 in the trash can at spawn.
Grenade Launcher: The Grenade Launcher costs $22,500 in the airsoft-weapon shop at spawn. It has a medium range and launches grenades! The grenade launcher This airsoft weapon is very deadly if you fire upon a group of enemies as it does splash damage. The Grenade Launcher can hold a maximum of 6 airsoft-grenades and sells for $6,750 in the trash can.
RPG: The RPG Costs $27,500 in the weapon shop at spawn. It has a decently long-range and launches a rocket at your target that does deadly splash damage. This weapon is very useful against enemies that are grouped up! It can hold a maximum of 1 rocket and sells for $8,250 in the trash can.
Homing Launcher: The Homing Launcher costs $42,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. It has a very long range and launches a rocket at your target that does deadly splash damage. This weapon is very useful against enemies that are grouped up! It also has a special feature where it can lock onto enemies and vehicles. To lock onto a player or vehicle, simply shift while aiming the Homing launcher at the player or vehicle until it shows that it is locked. It can hold a maximum of 1 rocket and sells for $12,600 in the trash can at spawn.
Sniper Rifle: The Sniper Rifle costs $13,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. To open the Sniper Rifle scope, you need to crouch. The Sniper Rifle is one of the most accurate weapons in the game and it does quite a bit of damage, but not as much as the Heavy Sniper. The Sharpshooter can hold 10 bullets before needing to reload. The Sniper Rifle sells for $4,550 in the trash can.
Heavy Sniper: The Eagle eye costs $25,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. The Hitman Kit comes with the Sniper Rifle. You can read more about the Hitman Job here. The Heavy Sniper does more damage than the Sniper Rifleand you can open the scope the same way by crouching. This weapon is one of the deadliest weapons in the game because of it's high damage. The Heavy Sniper can hold 6 bullets before needing to reload. The Heavy Sniper sells for $8,750 in the trash can.
Assault Sniper: The Assault Sniper costs $35,000 in the weapon shop at spawn. The Assault Sniper is a semi fast firing sniper rifle that shoots 2 bullets at a time 0.5 seconds apart. The Assault Sniper sells for $11,500 in the trash can at spawn.
Special Weapons
Minigun: The Minigun is a special weapon that has an incredible fire rate and a decent range. The Mega Mauler can hold a capacity of 300 bullets and has many ways of being obtained. It can be obtained through Crates, Kits, /voteshop, Loot Chests, and bought at the weapons shop for $50,000. The Mega Mauler can be sold in the trash can at spawn for $20,000.
Flamethrower: The Flamethrower is a special weapon that cannot be bought in the store. The only way to acquire the Flamethrower would be to win it from an event, buy them from a player who has one, get them out of a loot crate, or from a Rare Item Pack which can be won from Crates. The Flamethrower sprays fire at close range and does heavy damage. The Flamethrower uses Jetpack fuel as ammo and can hold a maximum of 10 jet-pack fuel as ammo. The Flamethrower can be sold in the dispensers at spawn for $25,000.
Net Launcher: The Net Launcher is a special weapon that is obtained in many ways such as through Loot Chests, Crates, monthly purchasable rank rewards, or bought from other players. The net launcher can hold a maximum of 4 rockets. The Net Launcher can only net wingsuiters, however, if shot at a jetpack or ground player, it will still give them blindness and combat tag them. Net launchers can be sold at spawn for $30,000.
Clausinator: The Clausinator is a special weapon that can only be obtained through Candy Canes or events. It can be purchased for 50 Candy Canes in the Candy Cane Shop. The Clausinator costs $100,000 to reload and has a maximum ammo capacity of 600.
Devil's Snowball: The Devil's Snowball is a throwable weapon that gives players the slowness effect when you hit them. You can purchase Devil's Snowballs in the candy cane shop for 2 Candy Canes for 16 Devil's Snowballs
Golden Minigun: The Golden Minigun is a special weapon that cannot be bought. The only way to get this item is to wait for an event, buy them from a player who has one, get them in 3-star crates, or you can find them inside lootcrates (really rare drop). The golden mauler acts as a regular Minigun and has the same damage, fire-rate, uses the same ammo, and has a maximum storage of 300 bullets. Also, you do not slow down while running with this and shooting.
Browning M2: The Browning M2 is a weapon that used to be only obtained from the candy store for 50 candy canes. The Browning M2 can now be obtained from the weapon store at spawn. It costs $150,000 and can be sold for $50,000 in the trashcan.
Railgun: The Railgun is a strong weapon that can you can get by opening 1 Star, 2 Star and 3 Star crowbar crates, find them inside lootcrates or buy them from another player. You can also get them from tier 2 and 3 supply drops. Another way would be through the Easter Event Shop where a Railgun would cost 20 Easter Chocolates as well as you can buy them in the Halloween Event Shop for 6 Bloody Bones. What makes the weapon strong is that you can shoot trough glass and kill players with 1 shot. It also gives a little explosion when landing the shot for some extra (splash) damage. The Railgun can be sold for $70.000 in the trashcan.
Bloody Machete: The Bloody Machete is a special and better version of the Machete that can only be purchased from the Halloween-Shop. Other ways to get it is over the Black Market. Currently, not many players are using Bloody Machete in a Jetpack because the value of it is very high. The weapon has no set price but goes around for $2,000,000.
Tokyo's Lego Smg: Tokyo's Lego Smg is a special and better version of the Mini Sweeper which is only obainable from 2 Star Crowbar Crates, 3 Star Vaults and Tier 2 and 3 Supply Drops. Other ways to get it is over the Black Market or from other Players. You can use this weapon while Jet-Packing, Winging and Grounding. And sells to the trashcan for $200,000.
Cyborg's Dumbbell: Cyborg's Dumbbell is a special weapon which has a charge up mechanic! After a total of 3 hits on the same target, it will deal 3x its base damage! These hits have a cooldown of 1 minute, so after one minute you will need to hit the player another 3 times to get the bonus damage! You can get this weapon from 2 Star Crowbars Crates, 3 Star Vaults and Tier 2 and 3 Supply Drops. Other ways to get it is over the Black Market or from other Players. You can use this weapon while Jet-Packing and Winging. And sells to the trashcan for $200,000.
Ammo Pouch
The ammo pouch is where all your ammo is stored. It can be found in your inventory next to your backpack. You can drop ammo by opening your ammo pouch, finding what type of ammo you want to drop by hovering over the ammo, then clicking on the Redstone to drop the ammo. You have the option to drop 1, 10, or 50 amounts of the ammo. When you hover over the ammo, it will tell you how much ammo you have of that type. If you happen to get ammo in a chest as an item throw it down and pick it up to add it to your ammo pouch.
Ammo Prices
20 Peashooter Ammo: $10
40 MG Ammo: $180
60 Sweeper Ammo: $240
12 Pumper Ammo: $90
50 Assaulter Ammo: $250
1 Launcher Ammo: $375
10 Sharpshooter Ammo: $350
600 Special Ammo: $1,500
The workbench, located behind the armor shop, can be used to put various attachments on to your weapons and armor. You can put different scopes, magazines, ergonomics, muzzles and armor protections on your weapons and armor. Putting attachments on weapons and armor costs scrap, which you can obtain by selling weapons and armor in the workbench for scrap. Use the workbench to create your own preferred custom set of weapons and armor around your play style to use to your advantage in PvP.
How can I get weapons? You can get weapons from loot chests around the Map, kits, purchase them from the weapons shop at spawn, or kill other players for their loot.
Is there a way to deal more damage? Yes, if you hit a head shot. If you hit one it will deal more damage than a normal body hit. Every weapon deals different damage if you hit a head shot.
E.g: If you hit a player with a Heavy Sniper head shot he will survive with 1 HP.
Which is the best weapon? Although most people believe there is the best weapon, there technically is none. Every weapon has its strengths and weaknesses and has other weapons that can counter it, which is part of keeping the server balanced. There are a few weapons however that do stand out and are commonly used such as the Special Carbine, Minigun, Heavy Sniper, Chanclas, Katana, M4, Advanced Rifle, Gusenberg sweeper, RPG, and the Homing Launcher.
How do I reload a gun? You can reload your weapons by left-clicking while holding them. Be advised that for the weapon to reload you need to have the ammo for that type of gun.
Where can I get or buy ammo? You can get ammo by opening loot chests around the map. You are also able to purchase ammo inside of the weapons shop by clicking onto the NPC named Gary McNaggins and from there click onto the weapon class and then right-click on the gun you want to purchase ammo for.
How can I sell my weapons? You can sell your weapons to the dispensers located at the weapon shop at spawn. The weapon shop is located slightly to the left of spawn and is the red building. At the entrance of the weapons shop, there are signs that say "Sell Items Here" and underneath there are dispensers. To sell your weapons, right-click onto the dispenser, put your items then into the trash can, and click on the money sign labeled "Confirm" to sell your weapons. Be advised that some items are not able to be sold and will not give you money for selling them.
What type of ammo does the Net Launcher use? The Net Launcher uses Rocket ammo.
What type of ammo does the Railgun use? The Railgun creates bullets out of thin air and does not use any of your ammo types.
How do I zoom in with my gun?: You can zoom in with your gun by crouching while holding it.
Why do I move slow with a gun?: If you are walking or running while holding a gun it slows you down.
How do I sell ammo?: You cannot sell ammo to the dispensers at spawn, however, you can trade it with players.
What does the weapon shop look like? The weapon shop is red and black and near the left of the spawn. In big white letters, it says "Ammunation" above it. Below is a picture.
(Weapon shop on GTM-1)
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