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In the Grand Theft Minecraft server we have some basic rules, and you as a player are required to follow them. These are to ensure a proper and fun game play experience for everyone who joins GTM. Please do not take advantage of any of the following rules:

Server Chat Rules
  • Please do not do any of the following general spam:
    • Chat Flood: Rapid and quick flood or spam of chat messages in close sucession to each other, not only including but usually of similar or same chat messages

    • Character Spam: The unnecessary repetition of characters in your message. This includes the spam of random characters with no particular meaning or purpose. (Example: HELOOOOOOOOOO, BYEEEEEEEEEE)

    • Command Spam: The unnecessary repetition of commands, especially those that are intrusive to other players. Some examples can be /pay (name) (amount), /tpa (name), /trade (name), or /help (message).

    • Encouraging Spam:
      The encouragement of spam including: Asking people to say a random word to get x amount of money, Repeating of a word or sentence within a group of people, and having people guess something for x amount of money. Note that indirect encouragement can still cause in a punishment
    • Special Characters: These are characters that would NOT be on an English, Dutch, or German font (mainly). This rule only applies to public chat, as you may use special characters in messages to other players, as long as it is not intrusive to the player.

    • Capitalization: The unnecessary use of capitals in a message that becomes intrusive to other players. This will only result in chat looking "Spammy" and unclean.
  • Racism or Discrimination: This is not allowed in any way, shape, or form. Do not try and bypass this rule by changing how a word looks or is spelled to say it without getting in trouble. GTM will not tolerate racism in any circumstance

  • Releasing Personal Information: Repeating, spreading, or disclosing of personal information of other players is not allowed!

  • Advertising is by no means allowed. If you are caught advertising, there will be harsh consequences. There are three main types of advertising which are not allowed, but this does not mean that advertising is limited to these three.
    • Server Advertising: This includes the posting of server IP's or names in chat, which is strictly prohibited.

    • Other Advertising: Advertising any external services such as but not limited to the sale of Minecraft capes, alts, or even other non Minecraft services is not allowed.

    • Non-GTM Related Links: You may not send any links that are not related to Grand Theft Minecart, especially in public chat. This includes Discord server links, Teamspeak IPs, Instagram accounts, Twitter accounts, unrelated websites, etc.
  • Disrespecting Staff/Build Team: These are volunteers who spend hours of their time working for GTM to help players and improve the experience overall. Give them respect, it is the least you as a player can do for them.

  • Disrespecting Players: Disrespecting Players on GTM is not allowed. Example of disrespectful behavior towards players include, but are not limited to:
    • Making any kind of IRL threat
    • Encouraging hatred towards a player
    • Excessive cursing
    • Encouraging self-harm
    • Death threats
  • Fighting Punishments: Arguing or fighting over a punishment publicly is not allowed. You can make an appeal, which is the only way a staff will deal with your punishment (In a private and professional manner): https://grandtheftmc.net/appeal

  • Abusing /help: Please only use /help for GTM questions or concerns. Examples of misuse are asking irrelevant questions, fighting punishments, asking for free items, or generally wasting the time of a staff member.

  • Abusing /report: Please do not use /report for false reports or to waste staff time. Keep /report's to strictly give staff an idea of a potential hacker or rule breakers.

  • Lying/Deceiving Staff members: Lying to a Staff Member about GTM-related content is not allowed. This is especially true for when you report another player to a staff member, when a player reports a staff member to a manager, or even lying to staff during investigations concerning rule-breaking in GTM. This can also include deceiving a staff member or trying to trick them this can include, Telling a staff member untrue or misleading information, and lying to trick a staff member.

  • Haqusation: This is when a player publicly accuses another of hacking. Instead of publicly disclosing your thought, please use /report (name) (reason) instead.
  • Swearing is allowed, it's a privilege, but don't take it too far. Racism and Discrimination are still not allowed, even though swearing is allowed.
  • If a staff member asks you to do something, it's for a reason. Please be compliant with us.
  • If you record someone hacking, make a player report with proof at: https://grandtheftmc.net/support under "Player Reports". You may also send proof of a player hacking, or breaking other rules, on discord under #reports.
    • Please use the following format when reporting players:
      • Player Reports:
Server Gameplay Rules
  • Blacklisted Modifications: Using, or logging on the network with any type of blacklisted modifications is strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate ban from the GTM network. Here is a list of MOST but NOT ALL modifications that are allowed or blacklisted: https://grandtheftmc.net/mods. Note use modifcations at YOUR OWN RISK.
  • Donation / IRL Scamming: You may not scam someone for items when doing a trade of in-game items for perks on the GTM store. Please follow the donation deal rules and create a forums post before taking part in a Donor Deal: https://grandtheftmc.net/threads/donation-deal-rules.7/
  • Glitch Abuse: The abuse/use of any glitch, bug or exploit is strictly prohibited. If you find a glitch, bug or exploit, please report it to a staff member immediately!
  • Illegal Trades: Illegal trades are trades that involve the trade of GTM currency (such as game items, in-game money, and etc) for any form of external service or currency. This includes trading in-game GTM items for alt accounts, resource packs, real life money, or even items on other games or servers.
  • Alt Usage Policy / Account Sharing: Please only use alternative accounts that belong to you! All accounts you use or share will leave you directly responsible for the actions on those accounts and can lead to bans on said accounts for account sharing.The best way to avoid this would be to only use accounts you own and trust.
  • VPN Usage: VPNs are not allowed on GTM. There is no reason to be using a VPN on the network. Your privacy is safe with us. If there is some reason you must absolutely use a VPN, create a "Other Support" ticket and explain your issue in detail as to why a VPN is needed to play on GTM: https://grandtheftmc.net/support
  • Mouse Abuse / Modded Mouse: This is using a mouse that can accomplish tasks such as drag clicking, Lip clicking, and using outside items on your mouse to achieve insanely high CPS for high periods of time, without the use of an Autoclicker (Which is a Blacklisted Modification). This is not allowed on GTM as not everyone has a mouse that can accomplish this.

    • Disclaimer: The above mentioned server rules are a community guideline. GTM reserves the right to punish individuals for cases not mentioned in the above rules especially when the actions of that player may be considered illegal or generally harmful to other players, staff, or GTM in whole. These rules may be adjusted or modified by the GTM senior team with or without prior notice.
      Note: Any fair punishments under three days cannot be appealed!
Discord rules
  • General Spamming Rules:
    • Chat Flooding: A rapid flow or continuation of chat messages, especially similar or the same messages.

    • Command Spam: The unnecessary repetition of commands especially in a way that is obtrusive to other members. Command spam includes for example spamming any of the bot commands.

    • Encouraging Spam: Offering another player(s) something in return to flood/spam any of our Discord channels. Collectively cooperating to spam on the Discord does also fall under this rule and is forbidden as well.
  • Racism / Discrimination: Racism or discrimination is the use of any discriminatory or antagonizing word, statement, or behavior about (or against) a religion or race, especially on the basis of prejudice. GTM will not tolerate any such discriminatory behaviors and offenders are to be punished!

  • Releasing Personal Information: Repeating, spreading, or disclosing personal information of other players is not allowed!

  • Linking / Posting Inappropriate Content: Any type of inappropriate links or contents are strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, pornography, gore, animal abuse, and IP Trackers. The GTM Discord also follows the Discord Guidelines, which has rules that must be followed as well and can be found here: https://discordapp.com/guidelines

  • Incorrect Channel Usage: Please use each channel for its intented purpose, along with the required formats to be used in certain channels. If you are unsure of what a channel should be used for, please ask in the #support channel.

  • Advertising is by no means allowed. If you are caught advertising, there will be harsh consequences. There are three main types of advertising which are not allowed, but this does not mean that advertising is limited to these three.
    • Server Advertising: This includes the posting of server IP's or names in chat, which is strictly prohibited. Advertising in the DMs of a player on the GTM discord is also not allowed.

    • Other Advertising: Advertising any external services such as but not limited to the sale of Minecraft capes, alts, or even other non-Minecraft services is not allowed.

    • Non-GTM Related Links: Links that are not related to Grand Theft Minecart may only be sent in the specific #offtopic Discord channel. In no other channels may you send links that are not related to Grand Theft Minecart.
  • Tagging Senior Staff: Do not tag Managers, Owners, Developers, or System Administrators. Contact lower staff members first, and if a higher ranked staff member is needed they will guide you to one.

  • Impersonating: Impersonating as another person is not allowed. You may not impersonate staff members, build team members, Youtubers or any other players. This would include changing your nickname to the same nickname as another person, but also profile pictures and usernames.

  • Disrespecting Staff/Build Team: These are volunteers who spend hours of their time working for GTM to help players and improve the experience overall. Give them respect, it is the least you as a player can do for them.

  • Fighting Punishments: Arguing or fighting over a punishment publicly is not allowed. You can make an appeal, which is the only way a staff will deal with your punishment (In a private and professional manner): https://grandtheftmc.net/appeal

  • Exploiting Bots: You may not attempt to exploit any of our bots and use it to do certain actions you should normally not be able to do. This is a very serious offence and will result in consequences.

  • Lying to Staff: Lying to a Staff Member about GTM-related content is not allowed. This is especially true for when you report another player to a staff member, when a player reports a staff member to a manager, or even lying to staff during investigations concerning rule-breaking in GTM.
  • If you find a major bug, direct message a staff member, don’t say it publicly. You may also use the #reports channel to report the bug.
    • Please use the Following Formats when reporting players or bugs in #reports.
      • Bug Reports:
        What action are you taking:

        Player Reports:
    • Please use the Following Format when using the #Suggestions channel.
      • #Suggestions
  • The rules above are the major discord rules, but also read the Disclaimer to be aware that this list is susceptible to change or adjustment.

    • Disclaimer: The above mentioned Discord server rules are a community guideline. GTM reserves the right to punish individuals for cases not mentioned in the above rules, especially when the actions of that player may be considered illegal or generally harmful to other players, staff, or GTM in whole. These rules may be adjusted or modified by the GTM senior team with or without prior notice.
      Note: Any fair punishments under three days cannot be appealed!
Forum rules
  • General Spamming: Spamming includes repeating the same word(s) over and over again, posting useless messages, typing sentences in all caps, posting more than two messages after each other by the same person (you can always edit your threads to add in what you forgot to say).

  • Hate Posting (Racism/Discrimination): Racist and/or discriminatory posting is strictly prohibited over the Grand Theft Minecart forums. Hate posting is the use of any discriminatory or antagonizing word, statement, or behavior about (or against) a religion or race, especially on the basis of prejudice. GTM will not tolerate any such discriminatory behaviors and offenders are to be punished!
  • Advertising: This includes giving our other server names, IP's, website addresses, YouTube channels, twitter accounts, Facebook pages, and other social network links. You are allowed to post your YouTube channel on the forum or a video you made on the server, as long as there are no links to other servers in the description or in the video.

  • Disrespecting Staff/Build Team: These are volunteers who spend hours of their time working for GTM to help players and improve the experience overall. Give them respect, it is the least you as a player can do for them.
  • Necroposting: Always look at the date of a thread before posting in it. It is really annoying when you post in a thread that is solved or over 2 weeks old. Necroposting or reviving dead threads order then 2 weeks is one of the most annoying offenses someone can make and doing it WILL be enforced.
  • Inconstructive Posting: Saying useless words like "lol" "yeah" "okay" is not the way to go. If you want to post, always make sure that the people in the thread want to read it. If you have an opinion, tell us why you like or dislike something, or how you think something can be done better differently.

  • Using Correct Grammar & Spelling: If you are going to make a post or reply, use the proper grammar and spellings! Don't post sentences like:"he muted me cus i wanted some one baned for renk scamin and he just muted me fore no reasin and he just led soo i cuden spec for a fuckin day!!!". It takes forever to read this and translate it into an actual sentence. Threads of posts like these may be removed if necessary.

  • Asking for Likes: Asking for likes is generally just very childish and is not allowed on the Grand Theft Minecart forum. Threads or post asking others for likes may be deleted.

  • Downvoting Based on Personal Hatred: You may not downvote a post because you don't like the person. You may downvote if you don’t agree with the persons opinion. However, mass dislike someone’s posts just because of a personal hatred is not allowed!
  • Farming Likes or Comments: Posting to get a higher number underneath your name or just because you want to think you have friends is not okay. Do not create alternate forums accounts or use any account to mass like yours or someone else’s content in order to boost likes or comments.

  • Fighting Punishments: Arguing or fighting over a punishment publicly is not allowed. You can make an appeal, which is the only way a staff will deal with your punishment (In a private and professional manner): https://grandtheftmc.net/appeal

  • Lying to Staff: Lying to a Staff Member about GTM-related content is not allowed. This rule is especially true for all support tickets. Lying is support tickets, whether it is a purchased ticket, appeal ticket, or any ticket is absolutely forbidden!

  • The rules above are the major forums rules, but also read the Disclaimer to be aware that this list is susceptible to change or adjustment.

    • Disclaimer: The above mentioned forum rules are a community guideline. GTM reserves the right to punish individuals for cases not mentioned in the above rules especially when the actions of that player may be considered illegal or generally harmful to other players, staff, or GTM in whole. These rules may be adjusted or modified by the GTM senior team with or without prior notice.
      Note: Any fair punishments under three days cannot be appealed!

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