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Purchasable ranks

Ranks on the GTM network offer players a sense of prestige and come with great monthly rewards, cosmetics, and Quality of Life (QOL) advantages. You can directly purchase a specific rank on the webstore, but you can also always upgrade your rank. If you, for example, purchase the VIP rank, you can purchase the rank upgrade VIP -> Premium.

The first rank on the server is the VIP rank, which is the lowest and costs $10 on the store. By purchasing the VIP rank, players can get a VIP tag in-game, some cosmetics, and a color-coded chat.

Moving up from the VIP rank is the Premium rank, which costs $20 on the store and offers even more QOL advantages. For example, players with the Premium rank have no chat cooldown and can join full servers without any restrictions.

The Elite rank is the next on the list and costs $30 on the store. This rank provides even more benefits than the Premium rank, such as more cosmetics, and the ability to claim more plots on GTM's creative server.

The Sponsor rank is the second-best rank on the GTM network and costs $50 on the store. Players who purchase this rank receive a wide variety of rewards, such as great monthly rewards, access to more commands, and permission to use full world edit on the creative server.

Finally, the Supreme rank is the best rank on the GTM network, costing $100 on the store. This rank provides the most QOL advantages and many other benefits, including the ability to fly at spawn and much more.

Overall, purchasing a rank on the GTM network can be a
great investment for players who want to enhance their gaming experience and gain access to exclusive rewards and benefits.

Obtainable In-Game

Did you know that you can obtain ranks on the GTM network not only by purchasing them on the store but also by opening Crowbar crates in-game? Yes, it's true! Players have the opportunity to win ranks from both the 4 Star Vault and 5 Star Briefcase, which can be opened by using crowbars. The 4 Star Vault costs 250 crowbars, while the 5 Star Briefcase costs 500 crowbars.

When opening the 4 Star Vault, players have a 5.5% chance to win the VIP rank, a 3.14% chance to win the Premium rank, a 1.57% chance to win the Elite rank and a 1.05% chance to win the Sponsor rank.

Meanwhile, opening the 5 Star Briefcase gives players a 3.21% chance to win the Sponsor rank and a 1.07% chance to win the Supreme rank.

Monthly Rewards
Monthly rewards are a fantastic way to reward and motivate individuals who have purchased or obained a particular rank on the GTM network. These rewards are available to claim every month and vary based on the rank you hold.

Players who have purchased or obtained the 'VIP' rank are eligible for x1 Tier 1 supply drop as their monthly reward.

For those who have attained the '
Premium' rank, the monthly reward is even more substantial, with x2 Tier 1 supply drops available to claim.

Players who have obtained or purchased the 'Elite' rank are eligible for x3 Tier 1 supply drops as their monthly reward.

Those who have attained the 'Sponsor' rank are eligible for x2 Tier 2 supply drops as their monthly reward.

Last but not least, players who have attained the highest rank, 'Supreme', are eligible for x3 Tier 2 supply drops and x5 Fix Booster.

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