Forums Leveling
The Leveling System
The GrandTheftMC forums allows for Forums Members to earn ranks on the forums based on how many likes they have received on forums posts or forums profile messages. This ranking system follows the in-game leveling system of Hobo to Godfather. This "Forums Rank" will not affect your in-game rank, and is strictly for a Forums account. The amount of likes required for each rank is as follows:
Hobo - 0
Criminal - 5
Homie - 15
Thug - 30
Gangster - 60
Mugger - 100
Hunter - 160
Dealer - 280
Pimp - 400
Mobster - 560
Godfather - 800
A player can check how many likes their Forums account has by clicking their profile in the top right hand corner of their screen while they are active on the Forums.
A profile page will then appear, allowing you to see your profile ratings. The green number (+0) is the amount of likes that your Forums account has received.
The "Forums Rank" will appear just under the profile picture for the forums account.
Custom Leveling
There are some Forums Members which have their own "custom" level. This is due to the fact that staff members were previously able to change their level to anything they chose. This is no longer possible, yet there are still certain accounts with their "custom" level already created. An example of "custom" leveling can be seen below:
Likes can be achieved through other players liking messages you have made on profile posts, or reacting to threads or messages you have sent, that can be seen publicly. Neutral and Negative ratings can only be achieved from reactions to messages on threads or posts. Any message that is not public, cannot receive ratings. For example, one cannot earn likes by starting a conversation, as this cannot be viewed by all Forums Members.
Profile posts will only give players the option to like as a way to react to the message. Negative and Neutral ratings cannot be achieved through these profile posts.
A player can receive all types of ratings when others react to a message or post with certain emoticons. Depending on what emoticon a player reacts to a post with, the owner of that message will gain a positive, neutral, or negative rating.
Each of the following emoticons gives the following rating:
:gtmthumbsup: +1
:gtmagree: +1
:gtmhilarious: +1
:litty: +1
:gtmlearnables: +1
:gtmsexy: +1
:gtmhelpful: +1
:gtmartistic: +1
:gtmmemetastic: +1
:gtmdisagree: 1
:gtmretarded: 1
:gtmthumbsdown: -1
Additional Information:
The other categories under a personal profile are as follows:
Member Since - This shows the date that a user has joined the GTM Forums.
Messages - The amount of messages a player has made on Threads or Posts. This number does not include any messages on Profile Posts.
Wiki Contributions - The amount of Wiki Pages this player has edited or added on to. This number is only able to be increased by those who were or are currently Wiki Moderators and have contributions to the GTM Wiki.
Wiki Comments - This number is increased by commenting or giving suggestions to Wiki Pages.
Ratings Received - The amount of Positive, Neutral, or Negative Ratings a player has received from others based on their previous public messages.
Trophy Points - These are gained through accomplishing certain achievements on the Forums. There is a maximum of 113 Trophy points that can be gained from the following:
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