The new GTM spawn is absolute trash. everything is too spread out. also, bring back minis to their old stats because now they are trash. I know nothing will change because that is how it is but I went on GTM and there were only 70 players on the whole network. there are normally 150-300. Hate me If you want but this is my opinion. -GOLDENCREEPER_72
I am conflicted. On one hand I feel the staff did an absolutely terrific job with the new update. On the other hand I want the old GTM back.
Furst off new spawn looks great, yes it is a little spread out but the builds make up for it. Second i halfway agree with you on the mini, it is currently trash but you cant deny it was OP before. Maby instead of just hating you should leave feedback! I said that the spawn was amazing in my G chat, unfortunately i was threatened to be kicked out if i said it again.
I Totally Agree WithGoldenCreeper_72__ I mean the new spawn is good in all but it is way to spaced out and the minis should go back to their old stats it takes a long time to get godfather so I don’t think it’s unfair at all if they are super good and over powered also we need penguu to come back we worship him
It kills me to say it but... the minigun was to OP, a small nerf to damage would have been perfectly fine with me but i think the accuracy neded to stay the same.
As for the spawn it needed an update and it is functionally more efficient. As for the minis I’m not even going to comment on it since I’m sure you can read the other threads about it.
I still think the minigun should be removed. You see it’s sort of like an addiction. people realized how op it was and over used it, especially on gtm2. Thing is, nobody pays attention to how it makes new players feel. Of course the minigun was a great gun with insane power which dominated, but it was overused like crazy, there was no balance and new players can’t bring a micro smg to a minigun battle. Something had to happen and now look, 90% of discord and forums is full of cry babies who can’t get over the minigun nerf. like seriously learn how to jp or gusen, I think I am one of the few people who are happy with the nerf, seeing that it restored balance within the gtms and didn’t discourage new players to quit. The minigun nerf was an amazing thing and had to happen as for spawn it looks absolutely amazing, everything is easy to find within a minute of looking around.
How would you feel if the Godfathers and the Hobos were partially separate? And everything was to be balanced. To read more and to tell me what you think about this idea on my forum thread here.
I think the new spawn is great. But a little bit too big do. You cant prepare yourself in one fast minute. But i like it and i think that ppl also need to understand that this isnt a project that is build in 1 day. And they cant just bring back the “old” gtm.