Comments on Profile Post by Owendog77

  1. Owendog77
    Bright and maby nassim are the only ones who have ever said anything about it but even then nothing has EVER been done.
    Aug 25, 2018
    IanPeru likes this.
  2. Barry
    Aug 25, 2018
  3. JustNassim
    We can't do much about that, unfortunately ;3
    Aug 25, 2018
  4. Owendog77
    So your telling me that your powerless to enforce your own rule, might as well break every rule because clearly you dont have the authority to enforce them.
    Aug 25, 2018
    IanPeru likes this.
  5. JustNassim
    We are not 'powerless', we can remove the ratings, warn the person and forum ban, if he's doing it a lot. We can't take someones right to give a rating.
    Aug 25, 2018
  6. Owendog77
    Then if you recognise that it's happening why are you not doing anything???
    Aug 25, 2018
    IanPeru likes this.
  7. Barry
    Aug 25, 2018
  8. Owendog77
    Aug 25, 2018
    IanPeru likes this.
  9. JustNassim
    You don't know if we do something, if you don't see a message saying we gave someone a punishment, it doesn't mean that we didn't.
    Aug 25, 2018
  10. Barry
    stiiiill ._.
    Aug 25, 2018
  11. Owendog77
    If you had done something then 2 things would happen.

    1- The ratings would not be there anymore.

    2- they would stop doing it, and if they didn't then they would get banned
    Aug 25, 2018
    IanPeru likes this.