Staff members will always happily answer your
GTM-related questions. You can ask your questions by executing the following command:
/help [Your question]. You can recognize staff members by their in-game prefix:
Manager, and
Owner. Helpers, Moderators, and Senior Moderators are most likely going to help you with
questions regarding gameplay. Admins, managers, and the owner manage the server and staff members so it can function at its best. You can see our current staff team
here. This page is regularly updated as staff members join or leave the team.
Besides asking them questions in-game, you can also ask your question on our discord server which you can find by typing
/discord in-game. Once you’re on the discord server, you will need to
type out your question in #support-forum and
a staff member will answer your question as soon as possible.
You can also ask your questions at our
forums. The forum section you ask your question in
depends on the question you have, and any
off-topic posts in the wrong section will result in your post being deleted! Questions regarding
GTM should go into the Grand Theft Minecraft topic. Questions regarding Creative should go into the Creative topic.