Now that minis are shit and worthless, what is your weapon(s) of choice? What are you ALWAYS carrying on you in your inventory now?
I don't pvp that often, but when i do pvp, i still use the minigun the most. I also like the gussenburg and the advanced rifle.
Special Carbine by far. Just shift and you have the best weappon. I also have a Knife with me do some times als just a gun like an smg or something that i tool from someone and then i use it when im running at ppl.
I use the carbine rifle and the advanced rifle. The knockback is also nice to get out of tight situations in my opinion.
The advanced rifle is by far the best RN so i usually cary one and a chainsaw. I also like to carry a sniper just to annoy people.
I honestly prefer the gunsenberg sweeper. It has high mobility and a decent rate of fire. Overall I think its the most versatile weapon.
Guys come on, it isn't like the minigun is the worst weapon in the game since our update. Keep using it bbs.
See even you staff admit they use diff guns also why is beer so fricking OP strength 4 and resistance 3 to op in a tight area it 2 shot
But a Minigun is good at taking down ground people with Beer but I usually Carry a Gussen, Advanced and a Chainsaw when I pvp.