This is pretty much an updated Version of my Forum Thread in " General Discussion ". It's pretty easy to explain tbh. I am missing about 10-12 Votes in the /vote Top List in Comparison to the Forum Top List. That places me on 2nd in Vote Wars instead of First. I think that's kinda unfair. I'll now show Screenshots that proof it. Forum Vote Top : 135 Votes. Ingame Vote Top: 126 Votes. These Screens were both taken 20 mins ago. The Number of missing Votes changes sometimes so sometimes it's 12 Votes off and sometimes 8. I don't want to lose Vote War to a Bug because getting those 12 Hour Votes is stressful sometimes because of.. real life? Well.. that's basically it.
Thanks for this! Will report so that we can take a look into it. It is most likely a visual glitch - we look at the backend when looking at stats, so it shouldn't effect the final result.
Thanks. I should be able to overtake the First Guy anyways it's only 1 Vote but still ty for clearing this up for me.
There is definitely something wrong with the telling. And to make it clear, the old site is for all I know correct. I check it daily. This is from the old site: 1. HenningLenz 147 2. fennekin_is_back 138 3. Micatchu 135 Those are the scores from the online scoreboard: 1. adsfghjkl12 139 2. HenningLenz 137 3. Micatchu 135 So where are all the points from HenningLenz? Where did fennekin_is_back disappear? And where in the earth did adsfghjkl12 come from? My own points are ok obviously. But as HenningLens points out, fennekin isn't even there - and there is a new number one. For the rest I love the idea of the online top voters scoreboard Just hope it will be fair at the end of the month.
I am literally about to quit this Server, the Reset ate another 6 votes of mine but adsfghjkl12 still has his votes and i am missing 15 fcking Votes am i first now or not? ffs
I'm pretty sure that it will be alright, the old site is still keeping the correct track of votes. I'm taking screenshots every day. How adsfghjkl12 got in there beats me... Whatever you do henninglenz don't give up
As I said, the display of votes being wrong is only that - the DISPLAY of votes being wrong. The actual logging and statistics of voting are fine, so we can still do the competition. The fix to show the votes properly is in the todo list.