This proposed new chest armor for GTM would detonate when triggered by the wearer's death. The vest may also have a secondary attribute/drawback, where it could be detonated by other players via either enough damage applied to the player in a specific window of time, (eg, 30 rounds from an assault rifle within 3-5secs) which could be shown through the exp bar etc., and/or may be detonated (instantly/after a delay) if the wearer catches fire or is subjected to an explosion of any kind. Specific stats for this item, such as armor points, explosion damage, and exact detonation conditions are debatable. This item could be both a Just-for-fun/Troll item, as well as acting as the only reliable way to counter melee ambushers (such as katana one-shotters), and could add more variety and depth to the gameplay.
I like this idea a lot as well but if it becomes a moving sticky bomb it could be a problem. Stickies are already op af.
I can just imagine it, just a bunch of people jumping off of buildings and it's world war 2 all over again
I think this idea, but it can already be done by throwing a sticky bomb right on the ground and detonating. Or you can do this was an RPG or proximity mine.
So basically, you die, the guy gets near your shit, boom, rip the items. You can also do the same with sticky bombs. I don't like the concept of this idea. I mean imo. So.. yup. Also I feel like if they add the plug-in it might fuck up the previous update patches.