Yesterday hackers seem to have found a bypass to the antI cheat and situations just got worse today morning. I woke up and at around 9am (eu time), logged on to the server to be greeted with a wonderful mini kill and than get killed with 6 hearts by some hobo who was just flying around with a knife and no jet pack nor wing suit. I go into the world again just to be greeted by another hobo with a knife flying around. It just got worse and worse and at this time no staff was on. Luckily Grand woke up early in the morning today (6am) and logs on to bunch of /help messages (including me) and soften the situation. With the help of the players and Grand we were able to control the situation a bit better. Only being a helpop the most he could do was kick and he had to continuously kick the hackers (around 5-7 of them) which he seemed to have a lot of fun doing xD. Around 15 min later pistanmarc come on and finally temp/perm bans them depending if they have hacked before. These 2 have helped us player dire in need of help because the server was totally unplayable and lots of wingsuiters/jpers lost their stuff. I made this thread because I believe that these 2 need recognition for their "heroic" actions and giving up on their sleep to help us players out. On discord it was so early grand even had to whisper so props to him xD.