This is a real pain in the Frikeeeeen Assss for many players. In the new Update log, it says stickies/bombs dmg reduced by 25%. Well, after that, there was no difference. a Sticky will 1 shot on direct hit or block away from you. And Molos is a bigger problem. You cant Chat, eat, And Barely move and reload. This is why people quit gtm.
What I’m about to say is for the 2nd part, the molotovs I think he means about what damage does to players. I can confirm that every time someone takes damage they can’t open chat,backpack or even their inventory. Same goes for the fire tick damage of the fire making it super annoying for players.
I think the ability the molotov does with the long fire tick is fine but it goes off so quickly you can't even move a block before it explodes.
That's how Molotovs work. If you don't want it to go off instantly you gotta rename it to fire grenade or whatever.
I'll admit, stickies are quite overpowered. I have trouble understanding what happened when one second I'm alive, the next, I'm dead. The same thing goes to Molotovs, getting into one is basically certain death..
That is true I myself have used this tactic and if you get one direct shot on a jp katana you do insta kill them.