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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by KwonShiYun, Jul 4, 2018.

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    AFK_LORD Hobo Supreme

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of September 2022, we have choosen 3 people to reward this with!

    I'm happy to Congratulate the SOTM: pwidster - SrMod & oxyfique - Mod as well as the BOTM: EinWildesTasty - Novice
    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job, throughout this Month and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and let you know that we really do appreciate y'all.

    pwidster: Pwid this month has done an amazing job handling his duties and being a great leader for other staff members as well as a role model. He does so much for us and his work doesn't go unnoticed thank you for all you do keep it up!

    oxyfique: Oxy has constantly been active this month and has worked so hard answering help questions to support newer players and constantly working to ban those hackers that ruin our server. Thanks oxy for constantly working to make our server a better place!

    EinWildesTasty: Since making his return Tasty has easily been one of the hardest workers on our Build Team. He is constantly creating new builds that are magnificent and is an extremely hard worker, keep it up!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2023
  2. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff of the Month. For this Month, October 2022, we have chosen 2 people to reward this with! Also mentioning that this month we do not have a BOTM.

    I'm happy to Congratulate the SOTM: Simulus - Mod & Lord_Puffi - Helper

    Both of you have done and absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and to let you know that we really do appreciate ya'lls dedication and drive.

    Simulus: Sim, you have shown your dedication and commitment towards GTM this month, being absolutely on top of answering questions from the public and providing great answers to those said questions. As well as being an amazing team player and helping maintain the integrity of the community, we thank you. I can't wait to see what you bring to the table in the future.

    Lord_Puffi: Puffi, coming on as helper you were given the task of proving yourself in this staff team and I am glad to say you have done so very well this month. Your attention to detail in answering questions to being respectful through punishments, not to mention the commitment to helping others was and is absolutely phenomenal. Please keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing your progress on this Staff Team.
  3. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month, November 2022, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: Lord_Puffi - Mod & CuzImAven - SrMod

    Congratulations BOTM: Simulus - SrMod

    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive.

    Lord_Puffi: Puffi, your dedication and time spent on the server has not gone unnoticed. You have put so much time and effort into your craft as moderator and we appreciate everything you have done. Once again, your help question answers are full and informative, as well as your presence on the server overall is immaculate. Please keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing your progress on this Staff Team.

    CuzImAven: Aven, ever since you came back to the staff team you have worked tirelessly and with a great attitude on both staff team and build team. Your time commitment to building while still answering questions and answering them to the fullest have been amazing. You have shown you are a dedicated and mature staff member who represents GTM as a role model for other staff and for players to see. Thank you for everything you do for the server and community, keep up the great work.

    Simulus: Sim, you have proven yourself to be a very important member of both staff and build teams. Your dedication to both has been, and will continue to be, something that will push you to thrive in all aspects of each team and has been noticed by senior management. We thank you for all that you do, through your building style and how well you take tasks head-on. This is truly wonderful, and the server thanks you again, for everything you do. Stay on top of your assignments and keep doing what you've been doing.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2022
  4. oxy

    oxy Hobo Staff Member Admin

    Feb 15, 2022
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    Hello everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of December 2022, we have choosen 3 people to reward this with!

    I'm happy to Congratulate the SOTM: _Norex_ - Mod & CuzImAven - SrMod as well as the BOTM: man_pop - Novice

    All of you have done and absolutely amazing job, throughout this Month and we want to thank you for all your work you put into GTM and let you know that we really do appreciate y'all.

    _Norex_ - Norex, your activity was great as well as some amazing work you've done past month. You have fulfiled your job as a Moderator perfectly and it hasn't gone unnoticed. We appreciate everything you do for us. Keep it up the great work!

    CuzImAven - Aven, we love your activity on discord. You've really been doing amazing job on the Team, you're always trying your best to fulfill your duties as a Staff member. Thank you for your time and the hard work you do for GTM. I hope you can keep that up in the future!

    man_pop - Man_pop, you've done really well this Month, especially with the Mindiana update. Thanks for your dedication and the hard work you do for the GTM. We're looking forward to all your great work you'll do in the future!

    Thanks again to every single one of you. We really appreciate the work you've done for us past month. Good job and keep it up y'all!
  5. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month and first month of the new year, January 2023, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: Lord_Puffi - Mod & Leewayy - Mod

    Congratulations BOTM: EinWildesTasty

    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you three this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    Lord_Puffi: Puffi, congratulations again on SOTM, you deserve everything for the time, commitment, blood, sweat, and tears (lol) you put into the server. You help questions are answered thoroughly and as well as always looking to do more for new players. This is your second SOTM as mod so on that note all I have to say is keep doing what you have been doing and I see lot more great accomplishments in your future. Congrats!

    Leewayy: Lee, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST, of hopefully many, STAFF OF THE MONTHS!!! Your time spent on the server this past month, event with being gone for a bit, has been very much appreciated and the senior team thanks you for showing how dedicated you are to this network. We truly, wholeheartedly appreciate you. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us.

    EinWildesTasty: Tasty, since your last BOTM in September, you have shown the Build Team that you are a very dedicated and sophisticated builder with lots of potential for more. Please keep building, your builds are amazing and keep getting better and better with each block placed. I can't wait to see what you build next! Keep it up!
  6. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of 28 days, February 2023, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: Connectie - Mod & Maarcraft - Mod

    Congratulations BOTM: a__u

    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you three this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    Connectie: Mats!! Congratulations on getting STAFF OF THE MONTH!!!!!!!!!You have done amazing work in this past month, your time on the server, help questions answered fully and professionally, your community engagement as well as status within the community is very mature and highly respected. We appreciate everything you do for the community, team, and server as a whole.

    Maarcraft: LilMaar!! (lol), I am happy to be the first to congratulate you on obtaining this award of becoming your first STAFF OF THE MONTH for the month of February!!! You have worked hard, throughout your time as helper, and now as mod. You have clearly shown your dedication to the team and server. Keep up the absolutely stunning work.

    a__u: a__u howdy! Expressed by the Build Team Management (Tokyo), that you have been on top of your game. Making amazing progress in building for the team as well as myself in building events and all you hard work has not gone unnoticed. Congratulations on winning Builder of The Month and I can't wait to see your events being used in the server, as well as your builds for the team as a whole.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of March 2023, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: RoboKill - Mod & Maarcraft - Mod

    Congratulations BOTM: Skuzo

    All of you have done and absolutely phenomenal Job this month. We want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are happy to be awarding you three with this achievement!! To let you know that we appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our booming network.

    RoboKill: ROBO!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST TIME STAFF OF THE MONTH!!! You have definitely earned it this month. You have shown you are dedicated to the server and its players. Your time online has played off, and we expect you to keep up this absolutely stunning work ethic. I see lots more SOTM's in your future! Keep it up!

    Maarcraft: Maar!! Congrats on your second month in a row of Staff Of The Month!! You deserve this and much, much more! You have continued to impress me with your drive and dedication on our network. You have proved yourself once again to be a valuable member of the Staff Team. I know I don't need to say this but keep up the good work!

    Skuzo: A__U... I mean Skuzo!! Since you joined the Staff Team, you have not forgotten where you have come from! Your builds have stayed the same, dare I say gotten better and your dedication to both teams has really been amazing. Thank you for your duel team dedication, and I am so happy you are on both teams!!
  8. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of April 2023, we have chosen 2 Staff & 1 Bulder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: Lord_Puffi - SrMod & Gandalfderkek - Helper

    Congratulations BOTM: Snowwe

    All of you have done and absolutely phenomenal Job this month. We want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are happy to be awarding you three with this achievement!! To let you know that we appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our booming network.

    Lord_Puffi: Puggi, congratulations again on SOTM!! You have shown time and time again that you have a great dedication and drive towards helping the community. Your great work has not gone unnoticed. Thank you so much for everything you have done, and I can't wait to see what else you bring in the future.

    Gandalfderkek: Gandalf!! Congratulations on SOTM!!!! You deserve it!! Since becoming helper, you have shown you are dedicated and willing to learn and help others. You have helped a lot of new players this month with any questions they may have and kept them online with your guidance. Thank you very much!! Can't wait to see your progress and future dedication!

    Snowwe: Hiii Snowwww >:D CONGRATULATION ON BUILDER OF THE MONTH!!! You have and will continue to show your amazing building skills and we are forever grateful. We appreciate everything you do for the server and the praise will keep coming. We can't thank you enough. THANK YOU!!!
  9. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of 28 days, May 2023, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: RoboKill - Mod & Lord_Puffi - SrMod

    Congratulations BOTM: Sozuyaa

    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you three this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    RoboKill: Robo!!! Once again your dedication and work ethic has landed you in this position for Staff Of The Month!! Congratulations!! You deserve it and we all think you do. Keep up the great work, keep being yourself, and I look forward to seeing you show your more of your potential for more to come!

    Lord_Puggi: Puggi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (PUG - GI)!!! Congratulations again on being selected for Staff Of The Month. [For anyone confused, real name is lord_puffi]. Keep up the absolutely amazing work! You have been an amazing member of the team and all I can say is keep doing what you are doing. Congrats!

    Sozuyaa: Hiiii Hectorrrr!!!! Welcome and congratulations on Builder Of The Month!! You have been very helpful and active while working on BT projects and this has not gone unnoticed, especially not that you are an official member of the BuildTeam. Congrats again!! Look forward to everything you bring to the server in the future!
  10. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of June 2023, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: CommanderGunnder & TML_Wurstzipfel1

    Congratulations BOTM: Skuzo

    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you three this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    CommanderGunnder: Upon coming back to the team, you have done an amazing job actively monitoring players and enforcing rules. You have also shown, once again, your dedication to this network and we are fortunate to have you back on the Staff Team again. Thank you for an amazing month!

    TML_Wurstzipfel1: TML! Congratulations! You have shown us that you are very passionate about this network, from actively helping players via help questions and through public/global chat. Thank you so much for all of your hard work, we appreciate everything you do and look forward to everything you will continue to do in the future!

    Skuzo: Ayo Skuzo!! Congratulations on BOTM!! Your work on GTM2 has been greatly appreciated and has not gone unnoticed. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see what you build next for GTM2, Events, or the server as a whole.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2023
  11. Simulus

    Simulus Criminal Staff Member Builder Wiki Moderator

    Aug 18, 2019
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of the Month and
    Builder of the Month. For this past month of July 2023, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: FerroxHD & TML_Wurstzipfel

    Congratulations BOTM: Loveicy

    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you three this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    FerroxHD: Besides being a good moderator in chat and remembering the players of our rules, you have done an amazing job actively producing Social Media Content (TikToks) for the server. You have also fulfilled your SrMod tasks very well. Keep it up!

    TML_Wurstzipfel: You again have shown us your commitment to GTM. That's the reason we are giving you SOTM once again. Congratulations! Your help questions consistently stand out and are also of good quality. Thank you so much for all of your hard work!

    Loveicy: Whats up Icyy! Congrats on BOTM!! We have noticed your work and passion on GTM2 which we, especially me, really appreciate! I hope that you continue to work on the server and surprise us with even more and bigger builds. Exterior and Interior wise.
  12. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month ofAugust 2023, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: RoboKill & ZockiHD19

    Congratulations BOTM: ArthurShelbyPB

    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you three this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    RoboKill: Heyo Robo!!!!!!!!! Congrats again on Staff of the Month!!!! You are a constant role model SrMod with tons of dedication to the server. You continue to surprise the senior team with all that you do and this honor, once again is rightfully yours. I don't have much to say because you are in all honesty a great and respected staff member. I can't wait to see how you surprise us andhelp the server in the future.

    ZockiHD19: Howdy Zocki!!! Congratulations on Staff of the Month for August! You have shown that you are dedicated to the wellness and community of our amazing community. You have been on top of help questions and helping players in chat. I congratulate you and can't wait to see how far you go in the team, and what else you accomplish.

    ArthurShelbyPB: Hello Arthur!! Congratulations on becoming Builder of the Month!! You have done an absolutely amazing job this past month, building gtm2. I have seen and am currently using one of your builds as my bunker and I know your buildings skills are quite impressive. You very well deserve this honor. Congrats!
  13. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of September 2023, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: quriy & ZockiHD19

    Congratulations BOTM: ArthurShelbyPB

    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you three this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    quriy: Congratulations on your FIRST EVER, and many more to come! You have put yourself out there, being promoted to moderator, helping a ton of players, while also being active and helping players in discord support. You have proven yourself an asset to the team and we appreciate everything you do. I can't wait to see what else you bring to the team and to the server.

    ZockiHD19: Zocki!! Zock! Zock!! Z my man!!! You and Arthur are here once again!! Second month in a row!!! You absolutely deserve it!! Your time on the server, catching those who are breaking the rules, and answering those who need help, have shown that you are a valuable part of the Staff Team. Thank you for everything you do.

    ArthurShelbyPB: Second times the charm!! Congratulations on becoming BOTM for the second month in a row!! You have been on the server SOOOO MUCH within this past month and your time and building skills have shown the teams and the server that you truly care about making the server a better place to be and look better. BEWARE THE PEAKY BLINDERS!!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest
    Staff of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of October 2023, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: NiceTryL & RoboKill

    Congratulations BOTM: ArthurShelbyPB

    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you three this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    NiceTryL: Congratulations on getting Staff Of The Month!!! WHOOOO!!! NICETRY!!!! WHOOOOOOO!!!! You have worked so hard to get to this point. You deserve this and much much more, as you have shown that you are here for the server, that you are dedicated to the players and the team. You are a role model for the other staff and have proved that you are a valuable asset to the team. Congratulations!!

    RoboKill: RoboKill... RoboKill... RoboKill... Congratulations again on this recognition of Staff Of The Month!! You absolutely deserve it for your constant activity and contributions towards each and every aspect of the server. You have shown this past month that you truly care about the server and we are forever grateful for your efforts.

    ArthurShelbyPB: Three times?!?! Congratulations! You have shown the build team your dedication and your building skills have improved so much since starting on this journey with the server. We thank you for everything you do and continue to do. Congrats!
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
  15. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest
    Staff of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of November 2023, we have chosen 1 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: TML_Wurstzipfel1

    Congratulations BOTM: ArthurShelbyPB

    Both of you have done and absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you three this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    TML_Wurstzipfel1: TML!!! You're SOTM again as a SrMod!!! You absolutely deserve this title and recognition. You have shown that you are here for the server and that you constantly want to help keep the community alive and your activity has not gone unnoticed. Congratulations on this achievement, I cannot wait to see you progress throughout the team and continue to show your dedication towards the StaffTeam and community.

    ArthurShelbyPB: Again.... I mean like... again?!?!?!?!? Congratulations!!! You are once again the Builder of the Month!! Your dedication towards the server from building each and every day, through the weeks of this past month, have once again shown to us that you are a valued member of the BuildTeam, and we cannot thank you enough for what you have done, are doing, and will do in the future. Congratulations again!!
  16. lord_puffi

    lord_puffi Hobo Staff Member Admin Wiki Moderator

    Apr 11, 2022
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    Hello everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff
    of the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of December 2023, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: ZockiHD19 & Maarcraft

    Congratulations BOTM: ArthurShelbyPB

    All of you have done an absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you three of this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    ZockiHD19: Congratulations on your THIRD TIME!!! Of Staff of the Month!!! You absolutely deserver this Title, your activity and help you are giving to Players shows us your dedication and "love" for this server!! Keep up the great work! You have been an amazing member of the team and all I can say is keep doing what you are doing. Congrats!

    Maar!! Congrats on your THIRD!!! month of Staff Of The Month!! You deserve this and much, much more, as you have shown that you are here for the server, that you are dedicated to the players and the team. Your work as SrMod and generally your work for the server has not gone unnoticed! You have been an amazing member of the team and I can't wait to see how far you go in the team, and what else you accomplish.

    ArthurShelbyPB: Again?? wowowow isn't this like your 5th time?? that's crazy!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You definitely deserve this!! You have shown us your dedication towards the server from building almost always!! That's nuts!! You have shown us again that you are a valuable member of the Build Team, and we are grateful for your work!! Congrats!!
  17. lord_puffi

    lord_puffi Hobo Staff Member Admin Wiki Moderator

    Apr 11, 2022
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    Hello everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of
    the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of January 2024, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 3 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: ACE_Nilrem & quriy

    Congratulations BOTM: ArthurShelbyPB & Minecorni & Sozuyaa

    All of you have done an absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you five of this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    ACE: Congratulations on your FIRST!!!!! Staff of the Month, you absolutely deserve this Title. You have shown you are dedicated to the server and its players. Your time online has played off, and I hope to see more SOTM in the future, soooo keep up the great work!

    quriy: quriy!! Congrats on your SECONDE!!! Month as Staff Of The Month!! You deserve this, you have shown that you are here for the server, that you are dedicated to the players and the team. Your work as Mod has not gone unnoticed! I can't wait to see what you accomplish next, and we are grateful for your work!!

    ArthurShelbyPB: All good things come in sixes, ig. CONGRATS ARTHUR ON YOUR 6TH BOTM your activity and dedication which you have shown us speaks for you. You deserved this, and I can't wait to see what you accomplish next! Thanks a lot for your great work!

    Minecorni: CORNI!!! You have helped us so much, you are a great and important builder and we prob. wouldn't be this far with the City Update if it weren't for you!! Thanks a lot for your amazing work, we are really grateful, and I can't wait to see what you will build next or when the Star Destroyer is finished!!!!

    Sozuyaa: I HAVE NO IDEA HOW OFTEN YOU GOT BOTM, I'M WAY TOO LAZY TO COUNT!!!! BUT CONGRATS ON BOTM, you have helped us a lot, and we are really grateful for your work and dedication to GTM. Thanks a lot lot lot, you deserve this! I hope to see a lot more of your amazing work in the future!

    <3 lord_Puggi
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2024
  18. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of
    the Month. For this past month of February 2024, we have chosen 2 Staff to reward this with!
    Also mentioning that this month we do not have a BOTM.

    Congratulations SOTM: ZockiHD19 & quriy

    All of you have done an absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you five of this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    ZockiHD19: Zocki? Well, this was not a surprise! CONGRATULATIONS ON STAFF OF THE MONTH FOR YOUR THIRD TIME!! You know we all appreciate what you do and the time and effort you put into the network does not do unnoticed. Your jokes in calls and overall mentality on the server is what makes some of us happy and energetic to come on every day to help the community. You are a role model for lower staff, and I thank you for everything you've done and will continue to do in the future.

    quriy: quriy... quriy... quriy... Here we are once again... CONGRATULATIONS ON STAFF OF THE MONTH FOR A THIRD TIME AS WELL!! WHOOOOOOO!!! You have shown you know what you are doing regarding your role as moderator, and you constantly go above and beyond to make sure that the server runs smoothly and that the community's questions are answered. Thank you for all of your hard work!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of
    the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of March 2024, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: oreo4money & _Worldlegend_

    Congratulations BOTM: TheGentleCat_

    All of you have done an absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you five of this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    oreo4money: This Oreo needs some milk!!! Congratulations on this STAFF OF THE MONTH!!! Your activity, help questions, and overall amazing enthusiasm towards the network has gotten you here. I think you for everything you have done and am curious for what the future holds for you. Congratulations!

    _Worldlegend_: Around the World in 31 days!! Congrats on STAFF OF THE MONTH!!! You deserve it World!! Your time and dedication towards the server have rewarded you with this title and it is well worth it. Thank you so much for everything you do! Can't wait to see what else you have in store for the server!

    TheGentleCat_: CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST (and definitely not last) BUILDER OF THE MONTH!!! You have shown us your building techniques and dedication to the craft are very strong. You have built us many, many builds from before the team and currently on the team. Your work has not gone unnoticed. Congratulations!
  20. Jab50

    Jab50 Criminal Staff Member Manager

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Hello everyone!!!
    It's time to announce the newest Staff of
    the Month and Builder of the Month. For this past month of April 2024, we have chosen 2 Staff, and 1 Builder to reward this with!

    Congratulations SOTM: NiceTryL & ZockiHD19

    Congratulations BOTM: BibbiundTina

    All of you have done an absolutely amazing Job all throughout this Month, and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and are awarding you five of this achievement, to let you know that we really do appreciate y'all's dedication and drive on our network.

    NiceTryL: Nice job NiceTry! (Get it... "Nice" job... ha ha...) Congratulations on being awarded Staff of the Month once again! You have done such a wonderful job this past month, on the servers' wiki, and as a SrMod on our network. You have shown much dedication and enthusiasm towards your role on the staff team, and we appreciate every bit of it. Nice Job!

    ZockiHD19: This may come as a sZock to you! (sZock.... Shock... I tried...) Congratulations on obtaining another Staff of the Month under your belt! Thank you so much for all of the work you've done regarding the Staff Team and Video Team. You helped us get our tiktoks back up and running, so thank you very much for that work/help. Congrats again!

    BibbiundTina: Bibbi.. und... Tina... Whose names are these?!?!?! CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN on your second Builder of the Month!!! Very well deserved as you have tirelessly shown the Build Team that your building skills are advancing and getting better by the day. Thank you so much for everything you've done for the team and the server. Congrats! (Joking, nice name)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2024
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