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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by KwonShiYun, Jul 4, 2018.

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  1. ItsDeo

    ItsDeo Thug Supreme

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Hey everyone! Its time to announce the new Staff of the Month for October 2020! To save us all some time. Ill just cut to the chase and start us off with a HUGE congrats to BandzOnly and Fresh_Mint_Spy

    Helper - Fresh_Mint_Spy
    Fresh, You may have just joined the team, but you are still showing us that you are here to stay. You do a great job with your staff duties and you are just an extremely good helper in general. Once again, Congrats on Staff of the Month!

    Moderator - BandzOnly
    Bandz, you have stood out as a moderator ever since you've been promoted... Even if you aren't doing your best you still are one of OUR best. You never hesitate to impress! The senior team is extremely proud of you. Again, Congrats Bandz!

    I would also like to give a huge congrats to Simulus on Builder of the Month! You have done a great job this month and it hasn't gone un seen! Keep up the good work!

    Good job to all of you! Keep it up guys!
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2020
  2. BrainControl

    BrainControl Moderator Brain Of Staff

    Mar 11, 2019
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    Hello everyone! November Staff of the Month coming at you! With a special three hard working staff members! Big CONGRATGULATIONS to JMaster05, TerrorSchlumpf, and Butter!!!!

    Moderator - JMaster05

    JMaster, the senior team notices much you have improved in the last month. You are a hard working staff member, and very fun to be around. You are very caring and always seem to try your best to help others, even if you are feeling bad yourself. I think you are an amazing person and once again, Congrats!

    Moderator - TerrorSchlumpf

    Terror, I cant even comprehend how you bust your ass as much as you do. You are a very hard working and dedicated staff member to GTM, and I for one am very proud of you! I can't wait to see you excel even more than you already do! Congrats Terror!

    Helper - Butter

    Butter, You have been on the staff team for a short amount of time, but in that amount of time you have shown us all how awesome you can be. What can I say, you just fit in with all of us, and you are a great addition to the team. We notice all the awesome things you are doing, so keep up the good work, and once again Congrats!

    I would also like to mention our BOTM Congratulations YaBoyTokyo!!!!

    Build Team - YaBoyTokyo

    Tokyo you've been doing a fantastic job in keeping your activity up and building with the higher builders on the team in our projects. I can see you're on the road to becoming an even greater builder yourself.

    Congrats to everyone once again you are all amazing at what you do!
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    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2021
  3. GloryX

    GloryX Certified Hole

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Gay People Therapy
    Hey everyone! Its time to announce the new Staff of the Month for December 2020! Let's start us off with a HUGE congrats to Nobbi_ and JJRocks2001..... I mean JJ_American!

    Helper - Nobbi_
    NibNob, or Nobbi_, you've done a fantastic job with this being your first month (or few weeks) on the team. You've shown that you can do your duties and be a friendly, reliable figure in such a short amount of time and I'm sure that you'll keep progressing into the future. Keep up the good work and congrats my guy <3

    Helper - JJ_American
    JJroc... JJ_American. Even though you can be so annoying when you wack me in PvP (though I wack you when I'm in my Sniper kit), you've done an excellent job keeping pace with the team and community. I can see you becoming an outstanding staff member so congrats this is well deserved <3

    Lets also give a schnitzel congrats to the Builder of the Month for December 2020! Congrats to TeeLama!

    You guys DM me so I can give you your rewards :eek:

    Good job to all of you! Keep it up guys!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2021
  4. CommanderGunner

    CommanderGunner Criminal Staff Member Sr Mod

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!! Its time to announce the newest Staff and Builder of the month. For the month of January 2021 I am very proud to announce the following: SOTM: NateCrab - SR.MOD & Cusbane - HELPER & BOTM: Vakhi. You all have done a great job and we are all proud of you!

    NateCrab - There are so many great things to say about you but, one thing that really stands out to me is your work-ethic. You are not only funny but you are very hard working. Keep up the good work!! <3

    Cusbane - You have not been on the team very long but you have already proved to us that you are very hardworking and determined. Keep up the amazing work and I know you will do great in the future. <3
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
  5. CommanderGunner

    CommanderGunner Criminal Staff Member Sr Mod

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!! Its time to announce the newest Staff and Builder of the month. For the month of February 2021 I am very proud to announce the following: SOTM: Cyborg_ - SR.MOD & AFK_Lord - MOD & BOTM: YaBoyTokyo. You all have done a great job and we are all proud of you!

    Cyborg_ - There are so many great things to say about you but, one thing that really stands out to me is your personality. You are very funny and have a great work ethic! Keep up the good work! <3

    AFK_Lord - There are so many great things I could say about you but one thing that stands out is your good attitude. I am so proud of you keep up the good work! <3
    • Like Like x 1
  6. CommanderGunner

    CommanderGunner Criminal Staff Member Sr Mod

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!! Its time to announce the newest Staff and Builder of the month. For the month of March 2021. I am very proud to announce the following: SOTM: Antipolicy - MOD & IchHabKeineLust - MOD & BOTM: DerEchteAven. You all have done a great job and we are all proud of you!

    Antipolicy - One thing that really stands out to be about you is your motivation and determination on the staff team. We love that you put in countless hours to make GTM a better place. Keep up the hard work!

    IchHabKeineLust - One thing that stands out to me about you is your work ethic you work so hard and efficiently all of GTM appreciates you. Good Job!
  7. CommanderGunner

    CommanderGunner Criminal Staff Member Sr Mod

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!! Its time to announce the newest Staff and Builder of the month. For the month of April 2021, I am very proud to announce the following: SOTM: Turbomax & Simulus & BOTM: 7kui. You all have done a great job and we are all proud of you!

    Turbomax- There are so many great things to say about you but, one thing that really stands out to me is your great work ethic! Keep up the good work! <3

    Simulus - There are so many great things I could say about you but the thing that stands out the most is your leadership skills. Keep up the good work! <3
    • Like Like x 2
  8. CommanderGunner

    CommanderGunner Criminal Staff Member Sr Mod

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Hello Everyone!!!! It's time to announce the newest Staff and Builder of the month. For the month of July 2021. I am very proud to announce the following: SOTM: quezoy- SRMOD & Mrilly- MOD & BOTM: Vslept. You all have done a great job and we are all proud of you!

    quezoy- One thing that really stands out to be about you is your motivation and determination on the staff team. We love that you put in countless hours to make GTM a better place. Keep up the hard work!

    Mrilly- One thing that stands out to me about you is your work ethic you work so hard and efficiently all of GTM appreciates you. Good Job!
  9. quezoy

    quezoy BuildTeam Manager

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Everyone!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of August 2021, the seniors have decided on 3 specific people to give these reward's to.
    I'm very proud to Congratulate the SOTM: Worldlegend - Mod & DerRoteTraktor - Helper as well as the BOTM: EinWildesTasty.
    You all have done a fantastic job throughout this Month and the whole Team appreciates every single one of you!

    _Worldlegend_ - Worldlegend, you've really shown yourself from your best side last month! You are one of the hardest working and dedicated Staff-Member we have right now, and we cannot wait to see how much more you can do in the future. You should be proud of yourself and definitely keep it going my guy.

    DerRoteTraktor - Traktor, you really are a very dedicated Helper and you're always trying your best to stay on top of your duties as a Staff, you've really shown us that you are a great Staff-Member over the past month, and we really appreciate that. You have a lot of potentials and we can't wait to see how you'll use that in the future!

    EinWilderTasty - Tasty, you're really a great Builder and you've shown that to us multiple times now. What really stands out about you, is your work dedication whenever there is work to do, you're always there to do it. The whole team really appreciates you and is looking forward to what you can do in the future.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. quezoy

    quezoy BuildTeam Manager

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of September 2021, the seniors have decided on 3 specific people to give these reward's to.
    I'm very happy to Congratulate the SOTM: Mr_Oreo4money - Mod & K_Stein - Mod as well as the BOTM: paaryna.
    You all have worked really hard and improved yourself's throughout this Month.
    The whole Senior Team appreciates every single one of you!

    Mr_Oreo4Money - Oreo you've really improved throughout this month and showed us many good sides of yourself, what really stand out about you is your dedication and of course your massive amount of Playtime, you really try hard and we definitely do see you! We're looking forward to see what more you can accomplish in the Future and how you'll improve yourself even more.

    K_Stein - Stein you really do take your Job serious and always try your best to stay on top with all your duties as a Staff!
    What really stands out to me about you, is your work ethic you're always trying to do your best as well as you're always there to Support the other Staffs if they need any Help.
    We all do appreciate you and are looking forward to working with you in the Future.

    paaryna - Paaryna you've joined the BuildTeam not too long ago, but you've already proven pretty well and showed us it was right to accept you.
    You've worked extremely hard on the current Project and I'm sure you'll continue to do so.
    You really do have a lot of potential and I can't wait to see how much more you can do!
    • Litty Litty x 2
  11. quezoy

    quezoy BuildTeam Manager

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of October 2021, the seniors have decided on 3 specific people to give these rewards to.
    I'm honored to be able to Congratulate the SOTM: zCaasee - Mod & CuzImAven - Mod as well as the BOTM: LamaSuppe.
    Y'all have done an amazing job and stood out to us in your own way, keep up the great work!
    We appreciate every single one of you and all the time you spent on GTM!

    zCaasee - zCaasee you really did an amazing job this month and you've even got a Promotion to Moderator you've really shown us how much of a hard working Staff you are and how determined you are to work for GTM, keep up the great work I'm looking forward to what you can do in the future.

    CuzImAven - Aven you also did stand out to us in this Month with all your hard work, and it definitely paid off! Please keep up your amazing work and determination for GTM you really are a great Staff and I'm looking forward to seeing more great things from you, keep it up my guy!

    LamaSuppe - LamaSuppe you really did an amazing job on those recent projects, I really love the way how much detail and time you put in your work and you definitely have a big future for you on the BuildTeam and I can't wait to see how much more you can do for the BuildTeam in the future, I'm really looking forward to it!

    Y'all really deserve to have been chosen for this Month's
    SOTM & BOTM, the whole Team appreciates you and we're looking forward to what more y'all can do in the Future!
    • Like Like x 2
  12. quezoy

    quezoy BuildTeam Manager

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of November 2021, the seniors have decided on 3 specific people to give these rewards to.
    I'm honored to be able to Congratulate the SOTM: K_Stein - Mod & Turbomax - SrMod as well as the BOTM: Minecorni.
    Y'all have done an amazing job and stood out to us in your own way, keep up the great work!
    We appreciate every single one of you and all the time you spent on GTM!

    K_Stein - You've once again done an amazing job for another Months, you've been doing great for a while and you continue to, you've also improved a lot in terms of your leadership qualities, keep up the great work I'm sure you can do even greater in the Future!

    Turbomax - Turbomax, you've really done a great job for this Month, and in general we love how much time you spent on GTM and how determined you are to finish all your Jobs as best as you can. We really do appreciate all your Work please keep it up, my guy!

    Minecorni - Minecorni you're an absolutely fantastic Builder and you've been doing really good for a while now, over the past Months you've done a consistently great job and showed us what a great Builder you are, if on the current Project or the previous once you've always worked hard and put in a lot of detail in all your work, what I like a lot! We appreciate you a lot and I hope you can keep up that great work in the future as well!

    You really do deserve to be the
    SOTM & BOTM of this Month, every single one of you have done a great job and showed us your qualities in your own way! We all do appreciate you and please keep up the great work!
    • Like Like x 2
  13. quezoy

    quezoy BuildTeam Manager

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of December 2021, we've decided on 3 people to give those honorable rewards to!

    I'm honored to be able to Congratulate the SOTM: TeeLama - Mod & _Worldlegend_ - SrMod as well as the BOTM: TeeLama - Artist
    Y'all have done an amazing job and all stood out to us in your very own way, keep up the great work!
    We appreciate every single one of you and all the time you spent on GTM!

    _Worldlegend_ - World, you've really been doing great for a while now, and I love how detailed and fluent all your work is, you really are one reliable person and that's what really stands out about you. Please keep up such a great detailed and reliable work standard I'm sure you can do even greater things in the Future!

    TeeLama / TeeLama - Tee you've also shown yourself from your best side for this month, you've spent countless hours and so much time for your duties on GTM throughout this Month and you've always been on top of them, if it may be some Help-questions, the Hacker's taking away the fun from other Players, or even working on the newest Map Updates! Please keep up the great work and be sure that we all really do appreciate your work!

    Every single one of you really does deserve to be the SOTM & BOTM of this Month, as all of you have done a great job and showed us your qualities as a Staff Member! We all do appreciate you and please keep up the great work!
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  14. quezoy

    quezoy BuildTeam Manager

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of January 2022, we have choosen 3 people to reward this with!

    I'm happy to Congratulate the SOTM: K_Stein - Mod & _Worldlegend_ - SrMod as well as the BOTM: paaryna - Novice
    Y'all have done an amazing job and all stood out to us in your very own way, keep up the great work!
    We appreciate every single one of you and all the time you spent on GTM!

    _Worldlegend_ - Hey there World, another Month has passed, but your work ethic and Work in general really does stand out too me, what I really like a lot about you is with how much detail you work, and that you always try to design your work into something unique, you already know this but we really appreciate the Work you're putting in keep it up man!

    K_Stein - K_Stein, this isn't the first time for you being Staff of the Month and I'm sure it'll not be the last time! You've once again done a pretty good job with all your duties as a Staff, what really does stand out about your work is your activity if theres no Staff on or something's needed to be taking care of you're often one of the first once to be there and help. You're doing a great Job as a Mod, and I can def. see you doing even better in the future, keep it up!

    paaryna - paaryna, first of all Congratz on getting Builder of the Month! You did a very good job through out this Month, especially in terms of activity, when there is a Project or work to be done, you're always trying your best to start working on it and Help, and that's great about you! You have a lot of potential and I can see you doing even better things, or should I say Builds? in the future!

    Every single one of you really does deserve to be the SOTM & BOTM of this Month, as all of you have done a great job and showed us your qualities as a Staff Member! We all do appreciate all of you in the Staff Team and please keep up the great work y'all!
  15. quezoy

    quezoy BuildTeam Manager

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of February 2022, we have choosen 3 people to reward this with!

    I'm happy to Congratulate the SOTM: xXGamerHDX - Mod & TeeLama - SrMod as well as the BOTM: IchHabKeineLust - Novice
    Y'all have done an amazing job and you've shown us what great Staff's you are and how great it is to have you on the Team!
    Keep up the great work!
    We appreciate every single one of you and all the time you spent on GTM!

    xXGamerHDX - You are really one of the most consistant Staff's I know and you spent countless of hours on GTM to make it a better place and follow your duties of a Staff. We really appreciate your effort and work ethic you put on the day, keep it up!

    TeeLama - In your time as a Staff you have already achieved a lot of great thing, Staff wise and Builder wise.
    You are really doing an great job and you have great potential my guy, I really like your determination you put into GTM, keep it up!

    IchHabKeineLust - Through out this Month, you've really shown yourself from a great side of yours, and you've improved plenty, and you're really active and always trying your best to work on the newest Projects and even side things, you're always trying your best and we really appreciate that!

    With that being said, once again Congratz to every single one of you, you've all done an Amazing job this Month and we hope that you can continue to do so in the coming Months as well!
    We really appreciate y'all a lot and I hope you know that!
  16. quezoy

    quezoy BuildTeam Manager

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of March 2022, we have choosen 3 people to reward this with!

    I'm happy to Congratulate the SOTM: Telepraa - Mod & zCasee - SrMod as well as the BOTM: CuzImAven - Artist
    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job, throughout this Month and we want to thank you for all your work you put into GTM and let you know that we really do appreciate y'all.

    Telepraa - Telepraa, not only have you done a good Job in the BuildTeam this Month, but you also did an AMAZING job in the Staff Team, what I really like about you is your determination that you've shown us, not only do you work hard on the Staff Team but also on the BuildTeam and we're seeing good results from you, keep it up my guy, I'm sure you can keep up this great Work standard!

    zCasee - zCasee you also did a great Job throughout this very Month of March, you're work as a SrMod really is showing some good progress and overall you're also doing a really good job at following all your duties as a Staff, I'm sure that in the future you can do some great things and I can't wait to see how much more you'll grow, keep it up!

    CuzImAven - Aven, choosing the Builder of the Month for this Month wasn't easy, as y'all did a really really good job, however we did end up choosing you, as the one who deserves it the Most, you've done a really good Job this Month, and overall.
    You have great activity and you're always trying to do your best and as much as you can, and that's great about you!
    keep it up my guy.

    With that being said, I want to once again congratulate every single one of you, and tell you that we really appreciate the Work you do, and you're all very special in your very own ways and that's great!
    I hope y'all can continue to do such a good Job, keep it up!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. quezoy

    quezoy BuildTeam Manager

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of April 2022, we have choosen 3 people to reward this with!

    I'm happy to Congratulate the SOTM: Jab50 - Mod & pwiddy_ - Helper as well as the BOTM: Straded - Trainee
    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job, throughout this Month and we want to thank you for all your work you put into GTM and let you know that we really do appreciate y'all.

    Jab50 - Jab you've done an excellent Job through out this Month and you've really shown yourself from a great side, you're a really kind and nice guy and you're always trying your best to follow your duties as a Staff as good as you can and help whereever there is Help needed! Keep up that great work ethic and personality of yours it's a really great thing and I'm sure you can do some great things in the future!

    pwiddy_ - pwiddy_ you've really shown great, and outstanding activity as well as some great work ethic, for the First Month of you being part of the Staff Team now, you've really shown us how determined you are to make GTM a better place and that you really want to contribute to that, we hope you can keep up that great activity and work ethic in the future, and improve even more on your way!

    Straded - You've also really shown some great activity for your first Month of being part of the BuildTeam you've contributed great on the latest Projects and we're really looking forward to your future work on the team, I'm sure you've got some great work and also improvements ahead of you!

    With that being said, I want to once again congratulate every single one of you, and tell you that we really appreciate the Work you do, and you're all very special in your very own ways and that's great!
    I hope y'all can continue to do such a good Job, keep it up!
  18. quezoy

    quezoy BuildTeam Manager

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of May 2022, we have choosen 3 people to reward this with!

    I'm happy to Congratulate the SOTM: FeuerKai - Mod & kittens4050 - Helper as well as the BOTM: IchHabKeineLust - Artist
    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job, throughout this Month and we want to thank you for all your work you put into GTM and let you know that we really do appreciate y'all.

    FeuerKai - Kai you've really done an Amazing Job through out this Month, you've shown us great activity and been of a BIG Help, not just in the Staff Team, but also you've been working hard on the Video Team, and helped out bring out amazing new Videos representing GTM, please know that we really do appreciate what you do! Keep it up!

    Kittens4050 - Kittens you've done an Amazing Job this Month as well, and you're really one of our most hard working Helpers we have right now, not only Ingame, with your Staff Duties as a Staff, but also over Discord, hosting the GTM Event Server, you've been of great Help! Keep it up!

    IchHabKeineLust - Lust you've done an Amazing job, not only this Month but in general, you're always trying your best Helping out on every project and you're also doing a great Job as an Artist in general looking out for the other Builders and in general being an amazing addition to GTM's BuildTeam, we really hope you can keep up this great work, you're doing great!

    With that being said, I want to once again congratulate every single one of you, and tell you that we really appreciate the Work you do, and you're all very special in your very own ways and that's great!
    I hope y'all can continue to do such a good Job, keep it up!
  19. quezoy

    quezoy BuildTeam Manager

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of June 2022, we have choosen 3 people to reward this with!

    I'm happy to Congratulate the SOTM: pwiddy_ - Mod & zCasee - SrMod as well as the BOTM: loveIcy - Novice
    All of you have done and absolutely amazing Job, throughout this Month and we want to thank you for all your work you put into GTM and let you know that we really do appreciate y'all.

    zCasee - zCasee you've really been doing great on the Team, you're always trying your best to follow all your duties as a Staff and those extra duties you have as a SrMod, I love how hard working you are and I hope you can keep that up in the future as well!

    pwiddy_ - pwiddy_ you've really shown great activity as well as some great work ethic and Motivation this Month, as well as you've also been staying on top of your duties as a Moderator doing a Great Job overall! We hope you can keep up that great work and improve even more along the way!

    loveIcy - Icy you've done really well this Month from Joining back our Ranks on the BuildTeam once again, you've already been doing some great Work on the new released Custom Houses as well and we're looking forward to all your great work you'll do in the future!

    With that being said, I want to once again congratulate every single one of you, and tell you that we really appreciate the Work you do, and you're all very special in your very own ways and that's great!
    I hope y'all can continue to do such a good Job, keep it up!
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  20. Turbomax

    Turbomax Staff Team Manager Staff Member Manager Wiki Moderator

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    It's once again time to announce the newest Staff & Builder of the Month. For the Month of July 2022, we have chosen 3 people to reward this with!

    I'm happy to Congratulate the SOTM: MrFisherMooser - Helper & AFK_Lord - SrMod as well as the BOTM: EinWildesTasty -Trainee. All of you have done an absolutely amazing Job, throughout this Month and we want to thank you for all the work you put into GTM and let you know that we really do appreciate y'all.

    MrFisherMooser - MrFisherMooser we love your activity on our Discord and in game and how you come up with new ideas and try to make GTM better, keep up the great work!

    AFK_Lord - AFK_Lord - AFK_Lord you've really done an Amazing Job throughout this Month, we really appreciate your hard work and activity and can not wait to see more of it and hope your keep your work up!

    EinWildesTasty - Tasty you just got back to the Build team, but your work this month was amazing, you've done a great job! Especially with our new Custom House Season. we're looking forward to all the great work you'll do in the future!

    With that being said, I want to once again congratulate every single one of you, and tell you that we really appreciate the work you do, and you're all very special in your very own ways and that's great!
    I hope y'all can continue to do such a good job, keep it up!
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