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Powerful New Web Map, Map Zones and More!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Cyborg_, Aug 31, 2022.

  1. Cyborg_

    Cyborg_ Homie Staff Member Owner Developer

    Aug 10, 2020
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    This update contains features long requested by the community, mixed in with some new features designed to further centralize and improve the GTM PvP experience for old and new players alike! Without further ado let's dive into these patch notes.


    Our previous web map lacked a lot of features and was extremely hard to update, our new web map can be refreshed with a simple in-game command! The new web map also shows statistics regarding PvP, and shows helpful stats to all players such as Loot Crates, Rare Loot Crates, Warps, Houses, Non Premium Houses, Map Zones, and where the active Map Zones are located!


    Players wishing to view the different statistics our map shows can toggle the different markers by checking a box shown in the photo above! You can also search for different markers including different house ids and grab the exact coordinates by clicking the marker symbol in the top right!


    You can log into the webmap to view yourself on the map and other features! WARNING, once you create your account you will NOT be able to change your password! You will need to grab the registration code seen below to log into the web map! NOTE: Logging in is not required to view any markers!


    To access the Map, scroll to the top of the page or simply click *HERE*


    One of the most important features of this update are the Map Zones themselves, the new zones allow us to limit PvP between older players and newer players, this means by default all PvP with players more then 4 ranks apart is restricted, but this isn’t as bad as it sounds!

    We are able to override this setting with a huge border that enables PvP between all players! This zone can be viewed on the Web-map, and contains rare loot crates as well as more features to come!

    The current Map Zone can be viewed on the Web Map by toggling the 'PvP Zones' marker!

    • Added Rare Loot Crates (Better chance to get starred weapons + more money)
    • Fixed some daily mission issues
    • Lower ranked players not PvPing in the zone, will not be able to pick up higher ranked players loot for 60 seconds, and vice versa.
    • Fixed spawn display for melee weapons
    • Possibly fixed the glitch where cosmetic entities didn't get deleted especially when the server crashed
    • Fixed bunch of issues with cosmetics not properly getting disabled in certain scenerios (in combat, gliding, vanish, etc). This should fix the occasional backwards elytra glitch too!
    • Fixed being able to glitch out of the map from the top of barriers
    • Completely fixed spoiled brat achievement. This fix will also automatically adjust current progress for anyone who might have gotten it glitched over the years.
    • Possibly fixed the glitch where cosmetic entities didn't get deleted especially when the server crashed
    • Buffed damage on both the combat mg and the regular mg by a little over 15%.
    • Reduce range on the minigun to 42 (from 45) blocks (its only 3 blocks, chill)
    • Removed wanted level decay
    • We successfully profiled the Minecraft client and figured out the things causing client-lag in the city! Its tile entities! #1 on the list are player skulls and closely behind are chests, and then some other stuff. We have already began deleting skull blocks in the city and liming our use of skulls in future builds as we plan further action to make the city less laggy!
    • On a close note, you can no longer place more than 3 skulls per premium house. We may need to forcefully remove skulls for players who have more than 3 skulls in each house in the near future.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2022
  2. Hiwasgehtab

    Hiwasgehtab Hobo

    Jan 8, 2021
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    Nice Update :O