Hi, yesterday i made a fault. I spammed the “off topic” forums on one forum. It was just with the topic starer so that wasnt the problem. BUT: i had a new idea because of my fault. What about a new category? Maybe a Flex or Spam Category. Maybe “Off Topic” is already a “Flex” category. But a spam category would be awesome. Somtime people make useles threads or spam the forums. Why not a spam forums?! Maybe people can just go wild there without disturbing the “Serious Forums”.
If we would make such a forum, people could farm messages really easy. Having 500+ messages wouldn't be anything special then.
Agree, mhm. But what do you think of the idea itself? Maybe messages at that category wouldnt count as messages. You know what im saying? I think something woulf be funny. Maybr it could get something to make fun topics and spam without disturbing others. I also think that if something would come like that, that people like cant spam it. Its a bit rare but they cant just make like 10 threads with each thread one character. We could be creative to make something like this Offtopic: Nassim, how did your exams go?
This won’t happen. We don’t allow spamming on any of our platforms and that is especially true on the forums.