I was just on GTM1 and xxBeastyBoyzxx, a hacker, flew so fast to me and killed me so quickly (full armor) with obviously killaura. @mrmime555 has kicked him 12 times but can't ban xxBeastyBoyzxx because only Moderators can. I know leadership is aware of this hacker problem, but staff selections should become a little more lenient. When @mrmime555 can't even tempban a hacker after kicking him 12 times, something needs to be done. More staff need to be accepted on the team, and more people like mrm need to become Mod. I know there are reasons as to why he's not Mod yet (there are reasons, I don't know them personally), but he should be, especially in times like these. And Mods need to step on their game a little bit. I know many Mods do a lot. Don't go hating on me saying I don't know shit. I know MANY Mods put in a lot of their time, FOR FREE, to help out. I AM AWARE! But the less active Mods need to be told to step it up, and more people need to be put on the staff team. If I were able to record every single time I have seen a blatant hacker, in just the past few months I could have VERY EASILY made 60+ reports. Maybe a solution is making a spectate mode (though that will cause a lot more lag). All I'm saying is that there needs to be more staff on the server with access to ban people than there are right now.