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Minigun Fuckery

Discussion in 'Bugs and Suggestions' started by Chirag, Feb 25, 2018.

  1. Lemongrab

    Lemongrab Thug

    Nov 25, 2017
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    While I would agree if just a ground fight, (I haven’t been on since the mini nerf) mini guns are one of the huge things that counter JPers (wingsuiters if you net and advanced works just fine) with them the needed mini bullets are useful because unless they straight line you, you will have a hard time killing them with either a 600 shot pea shooter or a gun with 30 bullets that makes you hit about 25 of them.

    P.S. I’ve been with a nerf on minis, I’m a huge user of them as you know, but I think that the ARs just don’t have enough ammo (in game you political people) even at a decent damage to kill a JPer with a decent level of skill.
  2. K9crusaderz

    K9crusaderz Rock n' Roll Outlaw

    Sep 20, 2017
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    When you say that they don't have enough ammo, that is a direct result of the low damage like I was talking about. It takes more ammo and a higher fire rate to be efficient with a gun that has relatively low damage. (When you have played Ultimate mode in Borderlands 2 for a while, you get a good feel for this kind of stuff lol) That's why the minigun is so popular and/or OP at the moment. If we didn't have the minigun, SMGs and ARs would be much more reliable in combat. Even right now, they aren't necessarily bad if you're fighting other people with the same weapons, however the fight is usually drawn out a lot longer than it should be, thanks of course to the low damage.