Hello, everyone! On behalf of the GTM Senior Team, we are deeply sorry for the long wait. We had issues with legitimatizing voters and such, but we now have the correct winners listed below! ------------------------------------- The winners of the May Vote War are listed below. ------------------------------------- 1st: NewLon544 (180) - $100 gift card, 2,500 tokens & $500,000 2nd: Micatchu (168) - $50 gift card, 1,000 tokens & $300,000 3rd: FlyingKittens_ (162) - $50 gift card, 1,000 tokens & $75,000 4th: minecraftgamer46 (159) - $25 gift card, 1,000 tokens & $75,000 5th: xReplaceable_ (152) - $25 gift card, 1,000 tokens & $75,000 Note: your gift cards will be mailed to you later today on GTM 1.
Congrats to everyone! Dont forget to vote every day to also have a chance to win this big prices! Goodluck for everyone voting this month
When ever I try to go for the top voter I do well the first two days. And then... Everything starts to fall apart. Who can relate?
Yes, I can really understand that. You lose a few days and it feels hopeless, but never forget that a part of the voting is to support the server. Further losing a day or 2 doesn't mean you can't reach the top 5. But yes, the life as a voter in the voting war is not easy. Especially the last months because there has been some nasty ways of hacking it. Luckily GTM seems to take care of it. And we all know about the 6th vote. Well I have the alarm set every day to not forget that vote, because that vote will determine more than anything your chances to reach the top 5. For me voting is easier maybe than for some, becasue I'm always in the move with a laptop, which means that even on holidays I can keep it up to vote. (Before the server got hacked I had 241 in vote streak, so 241 days without missing a day of voting). I think that the best that could happen is that GTM would allow offline voting: 1. Nobody could ever try to ruin it for you by voting in your name when your offline (cause trust me that happens) 2. On holidays you could keep up your (well deserved) vote streak, cause you could vote from your phone. It's not fair that a dedicated voter and player will lose all chances to win cause they cant get by their computer for a few days) The argument that "yeah, but then people would only go online for their votes" is just stupid. Why? I think that the moment you're not an active player anymore, then it has no use to win the vote war, cause all you get is GTM store credits. Which is useless if you're not an active player. So no I believe that the players that take part of the vote war are dedicated players and GTM'ers that are eager to win. So that should not be an argument for not allowing offline voting.