taken on the task of assisting him in recovering lost belongings related to House ID 175 in the Africa region. Some time ago, Kahabiruka owned and stored several valuable items in this house. Unfortunately, due to a technical issue, all chests in the house disappeared. After consulting with NicetryL, we were informed that this was likely caused by a chunk-related error that resulted in the removal of the stored items. NicetryL attempted to check whether the items could be refunded but was unfortunately unable to locate them. He then advised us to submit an official request for compensation, which I am now doing on behalf of Kahabiruka. The total estimated value of the lost items is between 250-300 million GTM $. Our primary request is to investigate whether there is any available backup that could restore the lost items. If that is not possible, we would like to discuss a fair compensation, preferably in the form of either a gift card or monetary reimbursement. We would greatly appreciate a prompt response and hope for a resolution that fairly compensates for the loss. man_pop owdes the house ID 175 now due that I'm creating this ticket. Looking forward to your reply. Best regards, Didrik (man_pop)