Liquid Nitrogen Helpop Application

Discussion in 'Grand Theft Minecart' started by Vortex301, Dec 27, 2017.

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  1. Vortex301

    Vortex301 Hobo

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Username: LiquidNitrogen1

    DOB: 11/03/02

    What timezone do you live in?

    How long have you played GTM for? 24d 8hr and counting

    What server do you play on?

    GTM 1 mostly but I can go to other servers if needed.

    Have you ever been muted or banned and why?
    Yes, muted for 1 month for advertising back when I first started but I will not do that again. I also have been banned once or twice for somewhere around 1 hour and I forget my other punishments

    Do you have Discord? ( It is needed in order to be a staff member )
    Yes I have discord and also skype.

    What experience do you have that makes you different? ( 150+ words )
    I have a lot of experince with gtm and I have a lot of playtime and I know how gtm works and I was also staff on a few other servers before I came on gtm. And I also have watched how to look for hackers videos and I have watched my cousin Antbrix (who is currently helpop) catch hackers and punish people.

    Why should we pick you over anyone else? ( 150+ words )
    You should pick me over anyone else because I can advertise on youtube and make gtm grow and make the owners happy because there will be no hackers and no bad people and Presidentx will be happy that he is making a lot of money. Also I have donated over 350$ to the gtm server and I know that helps pay for the developers and plugins. I am a Supreme rank and I really care about gtm and I am also a youtuber (Raider Gaming)

    What makes you want to become Helpop? ( 50+ words )
    What makes me want to be a helpop is I albsouletly love watching gtm grow and I love keeping it a hacker free server and love watching people enjoy it because it makes me really happy.

    How can the staff team benefit from having you on it? ( 50+ words )
    The staff team can benifit from having be on it because I know the rules of gtm and I know how to catch hackers and know how to punish people in a respectful way and record them then send it to a higher staff because I won't be able to ban (only kick and mute) and I can record videos of the server and post them to youtube to get more players on the server.

    Anything else myself or any of the team needs to know about you?

    Would you be willing to do a voice/text interview?
    I would albsoueltly be willing to do a voice/text interview.

    What do you suggest to improve GTM?
    I would sugest adding a seperate server for all people who have bought ranks.

    Do you accept that if you ask a staff to review this you will be denied?
    I accept that if I ask a staff to review this I will be denied.

    Scenario Questions: (3x)

    1) Samuri629 was reported using KillAura in the city. You proceed to go to the city where Samuri629 is using KillAura, Speed and etc.... What do you do? What punishment is given? Who do you tell?
    I would tell a higher staff than me and keep watching him and see if anyone reports him more.

    2) Your friend is just promoted to Moderator, and thinks it is funny to ban someone for 1 day without reasoning. What do you do? Who do you tell? Where would this leave you and your friend at?
    I would tell a higher staff than me and tell him to knock it off and tell him that a higher staff knows about it.

    3) You're on a Skype/discord/etc. call with your friend. You discover that he is using a hacked client. What steps do you take to deal with your friend who is hacking?
    I tell a higher staff in private message that he is hacking and to keep watching and ban him.
  2. adsfghjkl12

    adsfghjkl12 Senior Moderator

    Oct 1, 2017
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    Who knows?
  3. MixLogic

    MixLogic Author of GTM Code of Conduct Supreme

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Manager on Grand Theft Minecart
    United States
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