Oh boy, Time to make my own thread like that! (Will regularly be updated.) Supreme Sponsor Scammers: InfiniteFields Gtm2. I gave him my kit and he logged off without saying anything. Succesful Trades: CuzImKliki Gtm3. We did one trade, went well. Akarush Gtm4. A very trustable person. adsfghjkl12 Gtm5. Trade was good, 10/10 would trade again. KingCordVII Gtm2. Good trade. HitsLikeLuke Gtm3. The weather is cold. Connor962 Gtm4. Trade was nice. KillerKnight9 Gtm5. Yes. It was blue. mrhdcruiser Gtm2. We did the trade and he gave me 800K and left. Thank you and why? IamTheKing213 Gtm5. Nice trade.
Actually i am happy af bc i am not doing any Kit Swaps atm anyways so now Walter can waste his time on this :O