So this is an idea I just had, bassicaly when you have only 32 fuel letf it would send a message to tell you that so you don't fall to your death like I do all the time.
Hm, not a bad idea, but I would prefer a chat warning. If I am PvPing I wouldnt want the title warning to mess up my hits. One could argue that, at that point you should be running but you could be just a few hits from a kill.
Good idea! But instead of using the title splash thing (or whatever it's called), like Skylix said, I think a chat message and maybe a distinctive sound would be better.
Made this which should be better: /tellraw @a ["",{"text":"JetPack","bold":true,"color":"black"},{"text":">","bold":true,"color":"dark_gray"},{"text":"You are running low on JetPack fuel! ","bold":true,"color":"dark_red"},{"text":"(32 left)","bold":true,"color":"red"}]
I used to do map-making with friends and i'd do the command block part, It was a few years ago but I still remember a few things kappa
This is a nice idea. But when a Santa Drop happened, for example, it got in the way of the screen A LOT and was VERY annoying. Perhaps make this message lower, or give a chat warning. I would very much like a chat warning! And I think the same would be good for if you had a wingsuit. Nice idea!
This sounds cool, but I think just a hazard symbol would do the job, and as mentioned before, maybe this could just be a chat message. This would be very annoying if you were dropping fuel to a mate or had just freshly bought fuel.
Amazing Idea Matt and I think this would be helpful but maybe it will warn a little bit later because a big part sometimes in jping is to make someone use all their fuel.