Hey, before I start spending money on this server, I would like anyone's opinion who knows what GTAMC is or even played it back around 2014-2015. Please let me know if it compares (or even if you played CrazyGTA)
i recommend to just play mcgtm instead of mcgta... mcgtm has more players a bigger community more fun ways to gain money or to play with friends. mcgta is a small community with less ways to pvp and less ways to gain money.
both mtcgta and crazy gta are gamemodes made out of online plugins like crackshot and wrong configed ucars they are "cashgrab" servers which dont care about their games just about money. Gtm got almost fully custom plugins and pay there devs to actualy do stuff also the staff is far more competens on gtm than on any "crackshot gta" server since gtm is online for about 4 years in its current state gtm should be the best gamemode for you