I did a donor deal with Happyland64 For 5mil and i got him 500 crowbars and right after that deal i ranked up to mobster so i can jp with my friend and now i dont have mobster i relogged PLEASE CHECK CHAT LOGS I HAD MOBSTER\ Im going to commit Suicide cause i wasted 25 USD to get mobster PLEASE HELP@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This happened to me too, if you have any proof, create a ticket (when they are available), and they will refund the money.
CyberRain I told you earlier on today to include more proof and as everyone who has answered you, you should show some proof; if you could go to you player chat logs in your .minecraft folder (section called logs) you could prove that you had it; you look for today open it and then you can search for when you ranked up and then screenshot that and upload it to this thread And if you want to also link to the donor deal it would be even better for additional proof. -pistanmarc