Massacre stands a great chance when siding with ApocalypsePVP, think of the future of gtm2, we hold all the power, economically and physically
Just because you pvped someone once and won, doesnt make you a god. It's funny how all your gtm montage videos are about the times where you actually won.... if you put the times you lost, we would have a much different opinion of you. You got alot of bark but no bite
Something Skylix doesnt realize, is that the only SKILLED jpers in his gang are him and muscle. Meanwhile, in apocolapse... Prizmblitz, me, cord, Fearzz, and other well known players. Skylix, your gonna need some help buddy boy, cuz awakening is gonna fall down real quick.
This is currently happening, and Massacre has decided to split, but it looks like Massacre supports Awakening. On a different note, I am now in ApocalypsePVP.
It doesn’t matter how long Awakening has been ruling for. Pitador is a poor fool and awakening is lost. Times have changed