I will be doing a $20 doner deal giveaway for every server. 100k every dollar so 2mill max. To enter put your ign, gtm server and amount of money your willing to put up. For example : CoolRainbowVFX, GTM3, 2mill. I will be picking the winner on Thursday and will record it. I will post the winners name and a link to the video on forms later that day. Good luck to everyone that enters. You all have the same chance to win (This is all out of my own money) you don't need to put in 2mill. You can put in 1mill or 1.5mill something like that. 100k=$1
Why are there so many nice People on GTM.. HenningLenz - GTM1 - 2mil. I know, i know, i am literally entering every Giveaway there is, still gl to everyone. ty for the Giveaway CoolRainbow.
Wow, around 10 Entries and only 2 Likes on this Post, cmon Guys, this guy's spending $20 of his Money for basically nothing in return, at least show him some love.