Hi, I'm kinda getting fed up of when selling stuff in chat people bid a legit bid, and then when people start not bidding anymore they refuse to pay what they bid, then no one else bids after that so then your stuck with what you're selling. I just feel that having something like an auction plug-in or a player shop plug-in would be quite handy. Comment n stuff if you agree i guess, thanks for reading! -ElMemeo
I totally agree that something along the lines of an “Auction House (a-h)” would be extremely useful and well-liked in GTM. However, I don’t think this is the most necessary addition to GTM, as of right now. I do hope it eventually comes in the future though. And for trying to bid and then faking or calling out, I have a suggestion. Sell your items at a set price, depending on the server the price will vary, but it will allow for a single transaction in which someone either buys your item(s) or doesn’t. Hope my comment helps, at least a little. Have a wonderful day!
dude you dont know how much i would want this, Add on to idea: to sell/buy your stuff you do ./sell hand (price) ./buy (item) (price) if you were to do ./buy it would say in the ah something like " Ign: Kittens4050 Price willing to pay: 80k Item wanted: Jetpack " and when someone accepts the ah it will take the money out of your bank and put the item inside your ./ah dropzone if your in combat. If your at your house/spawn it will be in the first slot. @SkylixMC please add this ;-;