Hello, everyone! Congratulations to the winners, of the monthly vote war! ------------------------------------- The winners of the April Vote War are listed below. ------------------------------------- 1st: Micatchu (149) - $100 gift card, 2000 tokens & 500 Crowbars 2nd: Minecraftgamer46 (147) - $50 gift card, 1,500 tokens & 300Crowbars 3rd: xStayHighx (145) - $50 gift card, 1000 tokens & 200 Crowbars 4th: Mini_Gangster (144) - $25 gift card, 375 tokens & 75 Crowbars ***Minor adjustment to this reward was made due to a tie. 5th: AgentLust (144) - $25 gift card, 375 tokens & 75 Crowbars ***Minor adjustment to this reward was made due to a tie. Note: Your gift cards will be mailed to you on GTM Minesantos (GTM1) later today. Use /mail read on GTM Minesantos to access!
Of course, mica and MCgamer on the list again. Great job guys, especially mica, who's been dominating the vote game for over a year.
Mica is a really nice person its cool that she doesn't have much time for it but still makes the time to vote for the server its cool.
Mica has an alien ability to vote 2 different times EVERY DAY. Not to discredit MCgamer, he rarely misses a day.