I pay Robott 5,5 mil and he buys me 1000 Crowbars. I agree. Its on GTM1 Robott do you agree?
Hello, Im looking for anyone who can do an IRL deal with me for Crowbars. We can discuse ingame or on this forum about how much Crowbars. Im...
I was looking for a donor deal with you Sparky :D! So either through forums or GTM-1 we can sort out details okay thanks for watching! Also if you...
I am looking for a Donor Deal for the rank upgrade Elite -> Sponsor ($50). I'd be offering 9mil ingame cash, 5 Jetpacks and 5 Katanas on GTM4. If...
I am looking for a donor deal for the rank upgrade Premium -> Elite I'll be paying 5mil on GTM4, though I can add some Katanas ontop of it if that...
I am doing a donor deal on GTM5 for 5 permits ($17.50). I would like to negotiate a deal and here is what I have total (not giving all of this): 3...
beast8413 will buy me elite UPGRADE and I will give him 2million, 6 jetpack, 6 wingsuits and 2 katanas say i agree if you accept the donor deal
Really sorry guys. This the shortest notice ever. Because of the 50% sale! In the pot is $50 (for the trade 2.5mil) You can join here:...
Dear players, I'm looking for a guy who is be able to buy me the katana cheatcode (currently 16.25 usd) I will pay 3.75 mil. If u want to do a...
Hey Guys I do a IRL Deal! You pay me Upgrade to Elite (25$) And i give you 700k , 10Miniguns , 5Netlaunchers , 2 RPG`s , 2G-Launchers If...
I am doing a donor deal with pigstick123. he gives me 2.5mil on GTM2 and I buy him 250 crowbars (15.00) pigstick123 do you accept the trade or wot
So StrafesTheTank is buying me SPONSOR Upgrade n GTM1 which is 50$. And I'm paying $5.0mil, 15 Katanas, 24 Wingsuits. As I said on GTM1 If you...
So I'm paying $5.0mil, 15 Katanas and 24 Wingsuits for SPONSOR Upgrade on GTM1. If you are going to accept this deal meet me on GTM1 and agree to...
So guys, a bit late but: new month = new donor deal lottery. In the pot is $50 (for the trade 2.5mil) You can join here:...
So greedyjack is buying me ELITE Upgrade and I'm giving him $4.0mil, 5 Katanas and 5 Wingsuits. If you agree to not scam and all the terms and...
So I'm paying $4.0mil, 5 Katanas and 5 Wingsuits for ELITE Upgrade on GTM1. If you are goin to accept this deal meet me on GTM1 and agree to this...
he pay me 2.5m and 4 katana and i am buy him premium>elite upgrade me name is ArinNgan
he buy me elite rank and i pay him 6.5m and 4katana
KremSanti_ Buy me upgrade to premium and 100 crowbars and i pay him 15m SkippyYT is me name
donor deal with xCLiXx he buy me Vip 10$ and i pay him 2.18m and katana SkippyYT