Actually thought it was true xD Its just an April fools joke xD
Hi, are you willing to do donor deal with me for Elite rank? If your interested please PM me and I can give you more details! :)
Please help!
Everything that i wanted to say is about a donation and its explained by the link! Thank you, have a nice day/evening Link:...
hey babe <3
EDIT: The Deal is now 2mill and 15jp's and 1 katana! I agree and LittleSSavage will agree below
Im getting it instead of PostmanDan! :)
He is getting 500 crowbars
LittleSSavage has agreed to give PostmanDan 1.4mill and half a dub of JP's (Half a dub is 27 jp's) and a Katana.They will both agree in the chat...