We good to go oh1darling?
Donor deal for a 25$ gift card. Ill be paying 55m and 1 dub of jps.
6 Naughty lists for 16m
Irl deal for 75$ unban for 90m? Say yes or homo
Yes boii
No riots no sniping no water no drugs
No Water, No Snipers, No drugs,
Savage Robloxer
I accept
Do you accept a 10$ gift card for 10mill?
Do You Agree To a Massive Easter basket for 10mill and 40 wings with 3 stacks of Easter eggs
Do you accept to 18jp kats and 3mill?
5 mill and 7 katanas for Sneaky Cheat Code
6 mill for sneaky
13 mill for 500 Crowbars
1000 Crowbars for 7.2Mill Do you agree to these terms? -Isaac
Do you agree
50 permits for 20Mill
50 permits for 18mill
50 permits for 20mill and 20jps and kats