What Server is your Suggestion for? [GTM1, 4, 7] What is your Suggestion? Be concise! Competitive Air PvP: I believe that GTM's competitive...
Np, and nice list. (I like the part about the "for the dumbies" thing):)
Deal went smoothly, no issues. Congrats to both players on their received items! :cool:
Deal went smoothly. No issues
I agree
I will be purchasing $100 GTM Gift Card for MoneyBagsMario. It will be sent to his Email. In Return he will give me the 80 Permit (House ID: 659)...
@_NIb idk xD
Deal went smoothly with no issues.
I (BandzOnly) am giving ToToPlays a $20 Gift Card for 62 million Dollars In-game He has already payed the money all I need to do is purchase the...
Hello ToompjeVroompje, Sorry for the late response but if you had 40 permits and a house and now there all gone it was most likely due to it...
Hello Experterar, Usually I have this issue when my game is open for long periods of time then it fixes with restarting. Are you able to play on...
Where do you see yourself in the next 2 years.. (Would you still see yourself playing GTM)? How did you find the Legacy server? And what made you...
Hey MaviJon9096! Sorry that you are having to deal with these issues, First I would like to ask you what version you are trying to play on (The...
Bruh you could have given me that stuff xD
My username is BandzOnly on challonge.com
@CorgiOne Hey!
This patch was amazing and helped a lot of issues go away and added in some very cool things. Good job Skylix.
Deal went well, Congrats to both!
GTM player
fuck you guys got me xD