How's life been
Wow bigboy, 18 now
Memories hey?
Yeah, because that's what you are..
Straight* And if you're being this fucking annoying/autistic/tryhard-ish for no reason whatsoever, then that's even worse.
Yeah, I bet yours is taking a while, fag. #TryHard
Clearly you're more retarded, salty ass fag
Are you by any chance orangedogMC? Its AdmiralAladdin btw not alladin damn
Back for the first time in forever
sup peasant, why r u on the forums and not working on hw
Grats dude
Happy B-Day!
Wow, these stats people have are incredible! Guess what, coming back on GTM for those 200$ ;), won't be as involved and active in the community...
Wow, this sounds like a big issue, I wish you all the best and hope that you're surgery goes well. Get better soon.
Is vice2 out yet?
you wrote the same thank you message for me as for everyone else?!#?@!#?!@? Where is my exclusive 'OH THANK YOU GREAT MASTER' message?! jk
Ey yo GTM staff, even though I'm more or less gone, keep in touch !!!!
congrats bro! I was expecting that ;)