Totally just realized I have hacks on in the fourth screenshots, lmao.
I'm confused at why you think I'm trying to get some sort of refund? I haven't played GTM 2 in years. Not to mention, scamming was allowed then,...
First screenshot is from when Elvin7000 scammed me out of like 6.5m, or something around that amount. That kid, who's now a grown adult, is still...
In three months it'll be five years since most of these were taken. Lot of funny stories behind these. Wish I had more, but all the screenshots on...
No clue if you remember me. Used to go by "detered" and/or "Nova_GamingYT".
Finally got moderator like 6-7 years later? lol
dam... How'd I forget him...
All I know is what Chibi told me and two others. Those two others came to me and I went and threatened Sam. That's actually the reason I'm...
I have a theory on which one makes you wanna "throw up"
I remember the name, don't remember him as mod though. Was he mod in late 2014? Also, I do remember goldfinger007, he was very toxic on Skype,...
Of course I forgort Tux...
I remember when people used to do this, before it was made so you can only place minecarts on stone. You also remember the old glitch where when...
I would 100% help you lmao. Lets start it off: Early 2015/Late 2014: Kwon gets Helpop.
If you have any questions about old GTM for me then ask away, I'd love to answer them.
Of course I forgot Crue, lmao. Personally one of my favorite Helpops back in what was it, late 2015? Maybe early 2016?
Hey Guys, Most of you probably don't know who I am but I'm Nova/Detered. I was active on GTM from May of 2014 all the way up until summer of...