You could just tell me instead of disliking my comment , you must make sure that you typed your name correctlly , I would check my e-mail if I was...
you just have to wait
i added u
Since GTM made the giant update , the resourcepack changed , I really miss the old , so during months I was trying to get used to the new one ,...
Thanks justnassim ur the best MOD , I see u promoted to SRMOD , gg keep it up
does the old playtime on this server , before the huge map update , still matters on the helper application ?
Mix , if any staff member checks my playtime or you , would I pls get accepted or then I have to re-apply ?
JustNassim honestly thank you , your the best :)
When can I re-apply ? ಠ_ಠ , and how do I prove Im not lying , when I upgrade my playtime ? , Btw JustNassim , I actually put as much effort and...
Ok so I have to upadate my playtime to 10 days and they what do I do , how do I prove it , so I can actually become a helper , btw thx JustNassim...
MixLogic , you denied my helper application and you said that I need 10 days before applying , I Asked you what do you mean and you still haven’t...