why does it just say Disconnected when i try to connect?
ikr the mods won't appeal you
i need to know!
am i perm banned? I've waited 4 months. my ign is westcoastkid some mod am i perm banned????????
i thought someone will realize that that one time i wasn't hacking, really but its been 4 months and none realized it wasn't hacks.
why am i perm ban/
Hey can a mod read status thx just saying
All mc server are down right?
what should i do now that i'm banned i don't want this anymore i want to play what should i do?
your not a staff i listen to what staff tell me
i would if i wasn't banned
here ban appeal http://grandtheftmc.net/support-tickets/open
hey nathanielcrab you were there when i was banned do you have a clip of me hacking?
but if its not a perm what is the ban?
i would also like to see someone showing me a video of me hacking because i'm not taking a perm ban for a mod looking for a person to ban
and! if i did hack i wouldn't just go hack on gtm1 with the most staff on. and it said i used kill aura yeah no im just a good killer
but then it says at the bottom for: -kill aura/derp- i wasn't hacking! i swear i have a gaming mouse that i can control the sensitivity and!
my ban says "You have been banned for 23-01-2018' first of all thats not a month second it says 'banned for 23-01-2018' banned for a date???
if it is possible can someone show a clip of me hacking cause that's not true look at it again its not hacking