Cmon Why you dont write back :(
Hey Mostly :( You leaved the team??? ._. All of my friends leaved... You, and Jvkatox got kicked :((((
I think I'll come back tomorrow and give my stuff to all the people :3
Sure they're big enough to have these "famous" Youtubers. Look at [MEDIA] . He's a german youtuber playing MC ;) Subs? Nearly 500 k
What he did?
WHAT JV GOT BANNED?!?! Why?????:( :( :( :(
Sorry, I haven't time at this moment for playing these games :c
I wont play Minecraft next years. I hope I can see you guys again in like 1-2 years :(
Je suis german. Et toi? :D
Back tomorrow on my fav. server <3
Finished ^^
Das Kit SUPREME, welches man sich in /tokenshop kaufen kann, bleibt ,,unendlich". Du kaufst dir praktisch die Items. Das Kit SUPREME ist jede 24 h...
Yea you're right ;) I'm from Germany and here a HelpOP is called Supporter and a Mod is called Moderator ;)
I know how you feel but you hacked and then you need to accept the ban :/ But for next time: Don't hack and you won't get banned :P
The event will end next 3 days I think;) When you're on GTM, just look up. There you see the left time.
Did you get that message only on GTM or on all servers??
GG to all winners ;) Have fun with your stuff! <3
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