The toxicity and racism were what made GTM so funny to me. The new meta of the community and chat is soft asf now. I played years ago and it was...
SewerPirate is (possibly) buying me the ELITE->SPONSOR upgrade for 2.5m, 3 dildos, my head (iLust's Head), a JP, a candy cane, and some kwons and...
im good
who can unban me like rn...? ive contacted mix and he said its alright bc i bought the unban.. ign is iLust....
hi how u doin
Yeah I want the chainsaw to be fixed :mad:
I like the homing net too :D:p
GG Mate! Im just about to get elite myself ;)
How do I change my account name? Please help :D GTM website acct name*
The handcuffs would be like a melee version on a taser. Click once the victim gets slowed; twice, the victim gets arrested and put in jail. Thats...
Handcuffs would be lit
Wait aren't you already VIP?? o_O
Lol, I apologize
i agree
I went on the server to sticky bomb and nade ppl and I noticed the stacked nades and stickies weren't working. Also, the MG's are diamond swords...