There was a link to the old texture pack ( but unfortunately it doesn't work anymore. Does any of the staff have another link to the...
i swear if you actually go through with this...
He meant paying for another row with money or permits, and tbh I agree with iTraitor
I'm sure some people are going to agree with me on this... To be honest, I think the new texpack is complete shit, with the exception of maybe the...
just a suggestion... Have Health potions retexed as health kits or some shit in the loot chests. This is so during a fight, you dont have to eat...
Cookies have very low saturation, which is why you run out of hunger so fast if you eat them. For example, golden carrots have the highest...
I also noticed this. If you want to regen fast, saturation is responsible for that. The foods that give the best saturation points are burgers and...
Is the big project the Battle Royale mini game I suggested a month ago?
It used to but it got removed i think
Two words: Battle Royale Think about it... A PUBG style gameplay... You are on a moving helicopter, like the ones at the military base, and you...
I had to "delete" my post, for it revealed my source of power...
You're welcome. /warp no longer has the chance to kill you...unless you try to die.[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]