Hey, I'm minecraftgamer46. I only missed 1 vote in the last month. I was very happy when I realized that after both me and LbtwL both had the...
it did
Me (minecraftgamer46) will buy littleskios Elite and he will give me 10 Kwons 14 Samuri Air Jordens, 10 dildos, 30 Jetpacks, 39 Wingsuits and 16,5...
Hey, As you've read above, I'm exchanging my GTM 4 money for your money on GTM 7. Exchange List: I give : 100k GTM 4 | You give: 75k GTM 7 I...
I minecraftgamer46 agree it
It looks very nice and so much houses I have 250 permissions on GTM 4. But i know i cant get that on the new map. I am now waiting 3 months for...
I did not receive my gift card ..... A proof: https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-f0ca32-1541920105.png.html
I did not receive the coupon )=
@iTraitor pls Helper minecraftgamer46
I have 250Permits... build new houses please...
"GTM1. Die 500k bist du für immer in Ewigkeit gegangen!" not correct. correct is: "GTM1. Die 500k hast du durch den Transfare verloren."...
deal ? :D but i think u never get money hahha
xd @DieHeldernaar no ! xddd if u have money i gave u 1 Million per Dollar
very good deal i hope u find someone !
wtf duped ?
wtf are u fucking stupid ? No one do that deal... Player give 200-1Millio n per dollar
Congrates to all !
nice idea
As far as I know, the server team has better things to do than to code new stuff because they still need to fix buggs .... But the idea is pretty...