Hello. First my IGN is GetSomePresents. Around 2 days ago there was a rollback on the GTM server and before the rollback I had a full Vote Streak...
I got banned on the 2020-02-05 @6:59 AM EST, because of the Gary Anticheat. It says i use VPN and that i have to remove it it also says if I...
And where can I See this ID. ?
For the Support ticket I Need a Buycraft Transaction ID but I don't know what this mean I'm not the best in english. can you tell me what this mean?
I got scamed and offended from _MostlyKillAura_. Now i hope you will speak with him or ban him for a few days so that he can thik of that what he...
I bought the katana cheat Code at the 27.10.2017 for GTM 4 and waited 45 Minutes but I didn't get the cheat Code everytime I want to use it, it...