I, uhohlol, agree to give FantaPlay007 House ID 771 in exchange for 140,000,000 + 2x $10 gcs on email.
I agree
I, uhohlol, agree to give GandalfderKek a $500 gc code in exchange for 1.5b.
I, uhohlol, agree to give IAteUrCookieXd 500 gold in exchange for 376,062,500 and 108 jetpacks, 108 katanas, and 108 wings.
I, uhohlol, will send gunneriscute a $100 GC email in exchange for 260m on GTM1. I agree.
I, uhohlol, will send AngelofPing a $25 GC code in exchange for 62.5m on GTM1. I agree.
All the chests seem to have been removed from my houses.
I agree.