Hello I wanted to ask if you could slip that for me??? link: https://grandtheftmc.net/support-tickets/i-have-given-my-fake-name.5160/ Greetings...
Because I've been killed too often, even though I've got armor and full lives. My blow is that the grenade launcher is weakened because it makes...
Hello mc-gtm.net Team, I wanted to say that I can not use my Akuma. Because I can not call her in the PvP Zone and because I can not fix her at...
I am on gtm 1
I can not fly with the wingsuit and my flamethrowers do not funsonir. I ask that these bugs are fixed. Grüße von Arneplayer26
Hello mc-gtm.net server team I wanted to ask from how do you feel Verwanungen permanently gebannd is ??????? LG form Arneplayer26