Hello there, Just an update on Vice Season 3 - unfortunately it has been postponed. The team (now a smaller size than what it was a couple months...
Hello there! Vice Season 2 has ended. Congratulations to the top Cartels! #1 LANoireV2 - $2,073,372,119.25 #2 StrayCats - $1,120,000,360.00 #3...
So you you do think they're overpowered then, if high ranks die in literally 2 seconds also? If we buffed all weapons up to the level that the...
Miniguns were the most powerful gun in the game, by far. They were ruining new users experience, and once they were gained by players, they were...
[IMG] Hello everyone! We had an update come out over last weekend, and have since been refining it (latest refinement came out last night). Your...
Hello, everyone! Stepping in for Cruee on this one, he'll be giving rewards shortly ------------------------------------- The winners of the...
[IMG] Hello everyone! It's been a bit, hasn't it? We've been hard at work on Vice Season 2, which is looking to be quite a fantastic server! Now...
No, sorry.
We just increased the winnings for Season 2!
[IMG] Season 2 is available to all players. Join it from the Hub! Hello there, and welcome to the mega-thread for Vice Season 2! There's gonna...
Hello there, I can confirm that on our end, we do not have any restrictions on viewing ads. I will send a ticket in to our ad provider and see if...
It's stated on the voting site right here: [IMG]
Okey dokey, so I've taken the time to talk more with the engineering team, and as it turns out, your lack of votes counted on that site _is_...
Hello! If you take a look back through my first post, the 4th voting site had a minor issue with it up to the 18th of January. As a result of...
Hello there, Gonna try and lay out all this information for everyone to read. We believe that our system is actually working, so hear me out....
Hello everyone! We've unfortunately had to push back the launch of Vice Season 2 by about a week. We didn't want to rush this for you guys, and...
[IMG] Hello everyone! Let's open this thread with our primary news: Vice Season 2 Very Soon, check #vice-s2 on Discord for updates Ranks Only...
That'll be down to the service we use. There's no inbuilt cooldown, but as we're a new partner of them (and it's January), there aren't loads of...
It's designed primarily for people who literally cannot spend money on the store. We'd obviously vastly prefer people to just buy the packages,...
[IMG] Hello everyone! 2018. Wowzers. Over the last week, we have started the super secret, mega massive project that is a pretty large game...