No I wont get banned only the other guy which uses it
I zZeroTw0 gives Tuuthie a $10 gc for 13,5mil on gtm1. do u agree?
I zZeroTw0 gives wwheneverr $10 gc for 15mil on gtm1 but he is only allowed to use $10 from the $20 gc. do u agree?
I zZeroTw0 gives wwheneverr a $40 gc (2x20) for 60mil on gtm1. do you agree?
I. zZeroTw0 gives 999wrld_ 26mil for a $20 Gc he is not allowed to use it exept me. Do you agree?
I zZeroTw0 have to give mushroomghg 30mil for the $20 and he is not allowed to use it or nobody else exept me. I agree what about you?
I agree but ur not allowed to use it (Iam zZeroTw0)
I agree to but ur not allowed to use it or somebody else
Iam Trading with Jhuan i give him a 10$ gc for 11mil and a half dub wings on gtm1 im not allowed to use it exept him agree?
It worked nice everybody has his items
Im trading with him for a 10$ Gc He gives it. Iam giving him 3 stacks of Easter Chocolate, 6Mil and 5 wings on gtm4 for a 10$ Gc he is not allowed...