i agree
Me GandalfderKek will give 631.125m (2.55m per $) for a 247.5 dollar gc from ToNightLess
Me GandalfderKek agree
i give IchJitterhard a 50$ gc for 135mil on gtm1
I, GandalfderKek agree
TheGentleCat_ will give me 135mil on gtm1 for 125gold that i'll buy for the Account Enjoythatfly on gtm1
i will give Cusbane 1.2bil on gtm1 for 500$ in gc's. he will buy it on my Email and i'll give him the money after
me gandalfderkek agree
i buy the house id 308 with 720g for 910 mil from wrapitb4utapit
deal finished
Deal finsihed
i agree to that and not what i said before.
Small change, Ocerq rather wants 250gold for 78 dollars. Since nobody payd till now or anything ima change the rules. i give 250 to ocerq for 78...
Me GandalfderKek will buy 500g for ocerq for 146.25 dollars. He will pay me 2.7m per dollar, a total amount of 394.875m on gtm1 by the time he...
i Gandalfderkek agree
I buy 30 tier 1 supplydrops 3 times for each icefight555,JustAStudent and Cxllmeschlecht. in total i buy 270 tier 1 supplydrops for a total amount...
Zocki payd. deal complete
No he did not pay, and i made a ticket to get him banned but got no response.