Is ninja_nu a premium?
You're spamming complaints about being banned on your forums profile? Try appealing.
It sort of is royal or whoever's choice to refund your money. I can't say for sure if this actually happened or not, but if they aren't willing to...
Anarchy doesn't necessarily mean hacking is allowed, but it does imply no rules, which some people think means 'hacks are ok.' I legit saw a guy...
I was voting for the server, and I realized that the server was tagged with anarchy. This might explain...
K9 did ban CHE_Channel, but che definitely earned it.
Apparently I can't delete threads on this forum. Staff, feel free to delete this.
Just recorded it, all I was trying to do was get staff online to deal with it. I'll delete this thread in a minute.
Since none of you are responding to /help, I'm making this to ask you to come on and watch BerserkFury13. There's blatant kill aura, fly, and speed.
Username: CravenPython108 I agree to the GTM rules Yes, I have installed and played forge modpacks before. I think it would be fun; I don't...
Yea m8, even if you weren't hacking, glitching can get you banned. Besides, the screenshot doesn't even prove you weren't hacking. I don't know a...
Yes, shotguns need a massive buff. They have about the same damage per second of a pistol.
If you wanna PM the staff, use the mail icon next to the alerts bell to start a conversation, then add the staff you wanna PM, such as MixLogic....
Scroll down on the forums until you get to the ticket area, or PM a staff.
So most of the time when I try to load the voting page, it either a) doesn't load the voting websites, or b) doesn't load the page at all. While I...