So today i joined since a long time and forgot that labymod isn't allowed and i received a 1 min ban. Does this have any future consequences, like...
Can you take care of that? JustNassim said he can't give them back to...
I ask a mod and he said he can't give ammo
I have no proofs, is that a problem?
Oh ... I think he baned me for my own report Edit: Yes
No, my permites and ammo are not back And now im banned for Speedhack and thats unfair Im pissed
I lost them to
Now I've lost my houses! If this goes on I have nothing Edit: They are back
Sry, I mean I bought 10 and got 4 from crates
A few days ago I lost all my Ammo, now I have seen that I have also lost my 14 permites that I bought for 4000 tokens